Literator Pham Duy Khiem

Pham Duy Khiem

Living place: Sarthe

Birthday: 24-4-1908

Global rank: #62480

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Literator Pham Duy Khiem profile

Who is Literator Pham Duy Khiem?
Writer and journalist Pham Duy Khiem is a famous person who is fluent in ancient Latin and Greek languages. He was the first Vietnamese to pass the Baccalaureate in French literature (Bac classique) and was also the ambassador of the Republic of Vietnam in France and at UNESCO.
In 1935, after graduating from the French pedagogical college system and obtaining a master's degree in French grammar (Agrégée de grammaire), Pham Duy Khiem returned to Vietnam to work as a professor at the Buoi School and then the Albert Sarraut School.
In 1957, he was appointed as the permanent representative of the Republic of Vietnam next to UNESCO. But because of disagreement with the current government, he resigned from office.
On December 2, 1974, Pham Duy Khiem took his own life at his home on the farm La Hertaudrie, in the Montreuil le Henri district, Sarthe region, more than 200 km from Paris.
In literary creation, Pham Duy Khiem all works in French. However, the works are intended to spread Vietnamese culture and create prestige for Vietnam in the world literature. And through literature, the author wants to express his national pride, about the country of Vietnam where he was born, not the France where he studied and grew up. His first work that attracted attention was "De Hanoi à La Courtine" (From Hanoi to La Courtine). The work was first printed by Taupin Publishing House in Hanoi in 1941. In 1958, this work was reprinted by Plon Publishing House and renamed La place d'un homme (A person's position). This is also one of the three main works of writer Pham Duy Khiem. In 1942, he co-wrote the book "De Courtine à Vichy" (From Courtine to Vichy), but the book was banned from publication.
When the work "Légendes des terres sereine" (The Legend of the Thanh Lang region) came out. life, has resonated and has also helped the author get a high position in the literary world. This work won the Literature Prize Indochina (Prix littéraire de l'Indochine). and was reprinted by Taupin Publishing House three times within 1 year, in 1943. In 1997, Légendes des terres sereines was republished by Philippe Piquier in a new form, which is a pocket book. Another major work of Pham Duy Khiem is the novel "Nam et Sylvie" (Nam and Sylvie). The work won the Louis Barthou Prize of the French Academy. He still has an unpublished work, which is Ma Mere (My Mother).
De Hanoi à la Courtine is an autobiography written in the form of letters from a soldier named Nam Lien, sent to acquaintances near and far in France and Annam. The book partly reveals Pham Duy Khiem's ​​desperate struggles, both in thought and action, for equal rights between the "indigène", or the indigenous people of Annam and the French in the mother country.
1. Vietnamese grammar (composed with Tran Trong Kim, Bui Ky, 1941)
2. De Hanoi à la Courtine (1941)
3. De la Courtine à Vichy (1942)
4. Mélanges (1942)
5. Légendes des Terres Sereines (1942)
6. La Jeune femme de Nam Xuong (1944)
7. Nam et Sylvie (1957)
8. La place d'un homme (1958)
9. Ghosts
Prix ​​litéraire d'Indochine (Indochinese Literature Prize) for Légendes des Terres Sereines
Louis Barthou Prize of the French Academy for Nam et Sylvie.

Young / Before famous

He was an excellent student, the best in ancient Latin, Greek, the first Vietnamese to pass the Baccalaureate in French literature (Bac classique).
He received a scholarship to France to study preparatory literature at the school Louis le Grande. After that, Pham Duy Khiem entered the French Pedagogical College (École Normale Supérieure, rue d'Ulm).
From September 1939 to June 1940, he joined the French resistance army against the invaders. Nazi Germany, but he was soon discharged because French Prime Minister Philippe Pétain made peace with Germany and disbanded the army.

Family life info

Pham Duy Khiem is the son of writer Pham Duy Ton, the brother of a musician Pham Duy. When he was 15 years old, his father died of tuberculosis. His father passed away, leaving behind a pile of debt, he was the eldest brother, so he became the breadwinner of the family.
In 1950, his mother passed away. Not long after, he left Vietnam to live permanently in France. For the family, Pham Duy Khiem is the cold and strict eldest brother, a real head of the family.

Close relationship

Girl friend/ wife/ darling Literator Pham Duy Khiem là ai?
He is the son of writer Pham Duy Ton and brother of musician Pham Duy.

Body measurements of

How tall is Literator Pham Duy Khiem? What Pham Duy Khiem's weight?
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Summary of Pham Duy Khiem profile

When was Literator Pham Duy Khiem born?
Pham Duy Khiem was born in 24-4-1908, death day is 02/12/1974, at the age of 66.
Where is Literator Pham Duy Khiem's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Pham Duy Khiem was born in Ha Noi, of Vietnam. Mr working and living in Sarthe, of France. Mr, whose Zodiac is Taurus, and who Chinese Zodiac is The Monkey. Pham Duy Khiem's global rank is 62480 and whose rank is 63 in list of famous Literator.
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Photos/ Images

A new photo of Pham Duy Khiem- Famous writer Hanoi- Vietnam

Portrait of writer Pham Duy Khiem

Pham Duy Khiem ranking


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Events in 1908 and 24-4

Events in the world in the birth year of Pham Duy Khiem

  • Earthquake and resulting tsunami kill 70,000 to 100,000 in southern Italy and Sicily.
  • Petroleum production starts in Middle East.
  • Mysterious Siberian explosion levels hundreds of square miles of forest. Explanations include a comet, meteorite, natural atomic explosion, or crashed UFO.

Birthday Pham Duy Khiem (24-4) in history

  • Day 24-4 year 1800: The Library of Congress of the United States was established.
  • Day 24-4 year 1898: Spain declared war on the U.S..
  • Day 24-4 year 1915: Turks began deportation of Armenians that led to the massacre of between 600,000 and 1.5 million Armenians.
  • Day 24-4 year 1916: The Easter Rebellion begins in Dublin, Ireland. Although unsuccessful, the uprising was an important symbolic event leading to the establishment of the Republic of Ireland.
  • Day 24-4 year 1953: Winston Churchill was knighted by Queen Elizabeth II.
  • Day 24-4 year 1990: The shuttle Discovery blasted off with the Hubble Space Telescope.
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