MC Nguyen Thu Hang

Image of Nguyen Thu Hang #

Nguyen Thu Hang

Living place: Ha Noi

Birthday: 19-4-2001 (23 years old)

Population of Vietnam 2001: 78,62 millions

Global rank: #96114



Phone number: updating

MC Nguyen Thu Hang profile

Who is MC Nguyen Thu Hang?
MC Nguyen Thu Hang, was born in Hanoi but grew up in the land Yen Bai - Northwest mountainous region peaceful. Perhaps for that reason, she has just inherited a bit of modernity and elegance of Ha Thanh girls, but has a Yen Bai charm. Currently, she is studying and working in Hanoi, a student at the Academy of Journalism and Communication. It was the school that was the chance that started her dream of becoming an MC and gave her the first chance with a job as a presenter. Thu Hang studied theory but has a passion for MC work. The girl participating in activities at her school's MC Club The Academy of Journalism and Propaganda gave her a lot of first-hand experience, the place where Hang met and learned from brothers and sisters in the profession. is the place that gives her beautiful friendships and unforgettable memories.
With unremitting efforts, wholeheartedly with passion, right from her sitting days. On the school chair, Thu Hang has also achieved outstanding achievements: TOP 10 Speak Up contest and won the MC award for handling the most impressive situation; MC program I love Hanoi - Hanoi Television Station; MC program Dissemination of knowledge VTV2; Sports MC at Viet Sport and some other events such as: Welcome new students of Hanoi Law University, Launching ceremony of the campaign "Vietnamese youth say no to cigarettes and e-cigarettes", Hai Anh Fashion Show , ..... Each program is a different experience that not everyone gets once in their life, so Hang always cherishes the opportunities she has.
Thu Hang. is considered by everyone to be a very charming girl with the profession. However, Hang is also a program host, which is a difficult job and requires many skill factors, if you don't cultivate knowledge and practice daily, luck is not enough for yourself to become a program leader. submit. She still keeps trying and always cherishes her opportunities at every stage, program, and event that she participates in. "Life only gives you 10% of chances, The other 90% is how we handle it. And I remember that we must always work forward so that we can see opportunities in difficulties, and when we believe we can, then in the end. will reach success" - MC Thu Hang shares

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Summary of Nguyen Thu Hang profile

When was MC Nguyen Thu Hang born?
Nguyen Thu Hang birthday 19-4-2001 (at the age of 23).
Where is MC Nguyen Thu Hang's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Nguyen Thu Hang was born in Ha Noi, of Vietnam. Ms, whose Zodiac is Aries, and who Chinese Zodiac is The Snake. Nguyen Thu Hang's global rank is 96114 and whose rank is 360 in list of famous MC. Population of Vietnam in 2001 is about 78,62 millions persons.
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Photos/ Images

Portrait of MC Nguyen Thu Hang
Portrait of MC Nguyen Thu Hang
MC Nguyen Thu Hang participating in many programs and events big and small
MC Nguyen Thu Hang participating in many programs and events big and small
Picture of MC Nguyen Thu Hang in Speak Up contest
Picture of MC Nguyen Thu Hang in Speak Up contest
Picture of MC Nguyen Thu Hang in real life is a young girl active middle age right
Picture of MC Nguyen Thu Hang in real life is a young girl active middle age right

Nguyen Thu Hang ranking


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Events in 2001 and 19-4

Events in the world in the birth year of Nguyen Thu Hang

  • Congo president Laurent Kabila assassinated by bodyguard (Jan. 16). Son Joseph Kabila takes over amid continuing civil war.
  • Ariel Sharon wins election in Israel (Feb. 6). Right-wing leader chosen overwhelmingly as nation's fifth prime minister in just over five years during worst Israeli-Palestinian violence in years. Background: Middle East.
  • The long-simmering resentment of Macedonia's ethnic Albanians erupts into violence in March. The rebels seek greater autonomy within Macedonia. After six months of fighting, a peace agreement is signed (Aug. 13). British-led NATO forces enter the country and disarm the guerrillas. Background: Macedonia and the Balkans.
  • U.S. spy plane and Chinese jet collide (April 2); Sino-American relations deteriorate during a standoff. The 24 crew members of the U.S. plane were detained for 11 days and released after the U.S. issued a formal statement of regret.
  • Former Yugoslav president Slobodan Milosevic is delivered to UN tribunal in The Hague to await war-crime trial (June 29).
  • Without U.S., 178 nations reach agreement on climate accord, which rescues, though dilutes, 1997 Kyoto Protocol (July 23).
  • In response to Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, U.S. and British forces launch bombing campaign on Taliban government and al-Qaeda terrorist camps in Afghanistan (Oct. 7). Bombings continue on a daily basis. Background: Afghanistan.
  • Irish Republican Army announces that it has begun to dismantle its weapons arsenal, marking a dramatic leap forward in Northern Ireland peace process (Oct. 23). Background: Northern Ireland Primer.
  • At a UN-sponsored summit in Bonn, Germany, Afghani factions meet to create a post-Taliban government (Nov. 27). Hamid Karzai is selected as head of the transitional government (Dec. 5). Background: Who's Who in Afghanistan.
  • Taliban regime in Afghanistan collapses after two months of bombing by American warplanes and fighting by Northern Alliance ground troops (Dec. 9).
  • Israel condemns the Palestinian Authority as a "terror-supporting entity" and severs ties with leader Yasir Arafat following mounting violence against Israelis (Dec. 3). The Israeli Army begins bombing Palestinian areas. Background: Middle East.

Birthday Nguyen Thu Hang (19-4) in history

  • Day 19-4 year 1775: They were the beginning of the American Revolution. "The shot heard around the world" was fired. Colonial Minutemen joined the regular forces of the British Army at Lexington and Concord, Mass.
  • Day 19-4 year 1824: Lord Byron passed away of a fever while helping the Greeks fight the Turks.
  • Day 19-4 year 1882: Naturalist Charles Darwin, developer of the theory of evolution, died.
  • Day 19-4 year 1897: The first Boston Marathon was run.
  • Day 19-4 year 1933: The United States went off the gold standard.
  • Day 19-4 year 1943: The Warsaw ghetto uprising began, one of the first mass rebellions against the Nazis.
  • Day 19-4 year 1993: The siege at Waco, Texas, ended when FBI moved into the Branch Davidian compound with tear gas and cult members set fire to the compound killing over 80 people.
  • Day 19-4 year 1995: The Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City, Okla., was destroyed by a car bomb. 168 people, including 19 children were killed in the worst terrorist attack in U.S. history up to that time.
  • Day 19-4 year 2005: Germany's Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger became Pope Benedict XVI.
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