Movie Di Giua Troi Ruc Ro

Image of Di Giua Troi Ruc Ro #

Di Giua Troi Ruc Ro

Working place: Vietnam

Founding day: 31-7-2024 (0 years old)

Global rank: #79880


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Movie Di Giua Troi Ruc Ro profile

Who is Movie Di Giua Troi Ruc Ro?
Walking in the Bright Sky is a drama directed by Do Thanh Son and is a movie that has been making waves recently. The movie is currently being broadcast in prime time at 8:00 p.m. from Monday to Friday every week starting from July 31, 2024 on VTV3 channel. Although it has only released more than 10 episodes out of a total of 110 episodes, "Walking in the Bright Sky" is currently being sought after by the audience for each episode. In particular, the film's rating has recorded a figure of more than 4%, higher than all the dramas currently airing on prime time VTV channels such as Venus Shooting Mars' Heart, Let's Cheer Up, Brothers. .. This number is also higher than the previous movie broadcast on the same time frame of VTV3, We Love Each Other Binh Yen Thoi (average about 3.5%). The lovely scenes and dialogues in the film of the two main characters have become a hot trend on social networks, something that not many recent films have been able to do.
The film is taken from Set mainly in Cao Bang, the content revolves around the life story of a young Dao girl named Pu (played by Thu Ha Ceri plays the female lead). She carries within herself an ambition, dream and pride when she was accepted to study in the city. However, Pu faces many troubles from her alcoholic father along with the appearance of a guy named Chai (played by Nguyen Long Vu) who loves her at first sight and wants to marry her and doesn't want her to leave. He went to the city to study. Will Pu be able to go to the city to fulfill his wish? Let's watch the movie together!
Also from the hotness of the movie, the two main characters Pu and Chai are the most searched keyword phrases in recent days. The character Chai is played by actor Nguyen Long Vu born in 2021. He is the son of the artist Van Dung. The character Pu is played by Thu Ha Ceri, born in 2002. She is from Lang Son and began to gain attention through many films. In particular, playing the role of Vy in Face Off 7: One Wish helped Thu Ha Ceri have another important milestone in her career. In addition, the film also has the participation of many talented young actors such as: Hoang Hai, Vuong Anh Ole, Duc Khue,...

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Summary of Di Giua Troi Ruc Ro profile

When was Movie Di Giua Troi Ruc Ro born?
Di Giua Troi Ruc Ro founding day 31-7-2024 (at the age of 0).
Where is Movie Di Giua Troi Ruc Ro's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Di Giua Troi Ruc Ro was born in Vietnam. is a Movie, whose Zodiac is Leo, and who Chinese Zodiac is The Dragon. Di Giua Troi Ruc Ro's global rank is 79880 and whose rank is 114 in list of famous Movie.
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Photos/ Images

The two main actors Pu and Chai in the movie Walking in the Shining Sky
The two main actors Pu and Chai in the movie Walking in the Shining Sky
 Lovely scenes of the actors in the movie Walking in the Shining Sky
Lovely scenes of the actors in the movie Walking in the Shining Sky

Di Giua Troi Ruc Ro ranking


Đi giữa trời rực rỡ 23/08/24 16:10
Bộ phim Đi giữa trời rực rỡ do SK Pictures sản xuất trong năm 2024.

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Events in 2024 and 31-7

Founding day Di Giua Troi Ruc Ro (31-7) in history

  • Day 31-7 year 1498: The explorer Columbus arrived on the island of Trinidad.
  • Day 31-7 year 1777: The Marquis de Lafayette became a major-general in the American Continental Army.
  • Day 31-7 year 1790: The first U.S. patent was issued to Samuel Hopkins of Vermont for a process of making fertilizer.
  • Day 31-7 year 1875: Andrew Johnson, the 17th president of the United States, died in Tennessee.
  • Day 31-7 year 1954: Mount Godwin-Austen (K2), the world's second-highest peak, was climbed for the first time, by an Italian team led by Ardito Desio.
  • Day 31-7 year 1964: The U.S. space probe Ranger 7 transmitted pictures of the Moon’s surface.
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