TV show Dao Thien Duong

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TV show

Dao Thien Duong

Working place: Ho Chi Minh

Founding day: 6-7-2024 (0 years old)

Global rank: #45584



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TV show Dao Thien Duong profile

Who is TV show Dao Thien Duong?
Paradise Island is a reality TV show about dating that Cat Tien Sa bought the copyright from JTBC television station (Korea). With the desire to find love, participants will overcome the challenge of pairing, overcoming barriers in language, lifestyle, culture... of the two countries Vietnam - Korea to find true love. . The program airs at 9:30 p.m. every Saturday on VTV3, starting from July 6, 2024, rebroadcast on Korean station JTBC. Because it is broadcast on Vietnam, the program is very carefully censored. about costumes, speech... Everything must be in accordance with Vietnamese customs and traditions.
The program has 10 Vietnamese and Korean players participating. All players do not have any information about each other. This information is hidden by the manufacturer to create surprise and emotion for the audience and players. According to the program format, male and female players will live together in the same house, experiencing challenges of movement and talent. They will be paired up and go on romantic dates to conquer the hearts of their loved ones. Those who do not win the other person's heart after the meetings will have to leave the program.
Even though it has only aired 5 episodes, the show Paradise Island has attracted great attention from the audience thanks to dramatic and climactic situations that are still natural and honest. Besides the romantic element, the show Paradise Island is also a fierce competition unprecedented in reality TV shows about dating. Commentary section from famous artists such as: Director Le Hoang, singer Hari Won, actress Dieu Nhi, runner-up Thao Nhi Le... creating more appeal for the program.
The TV show Paradise Island was filmed on the pearl island of Phu Quoc to promote the beauty of the country and people of Vietnam to friends around the world.
List of players participating in the reality TV show Paradise Island:

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Summary of Dao Thien Duong profile

When was TV show Dao Thien Duong born?
Dao Thien Duong founding day 6-7-2024 (at the age of 0).
Where is TV show Dao Thien Duong's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Dao Thien Duong was born in Ho Chi Minh, of Vietnam. is a TV show, whose Zodiac is Cancer, and who Chinese Zodiac is The Dragon. Dao Thien Duong's global rank is 45584 and whose rank is 101 in list of famous TV show.
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Photos/ Images

Paradise Island is a TV show about dating
Paradise Island is a TV show about dating
Press conference of the TV show Paradise Island
Press conference of the TV show Paradise Island
Members participating in Paradise Island
Members participating in Paradise Island

Dao Thien Duong ranking


Đảo Thiên Đường 14/08/24 11:55
Từ ngày 20/07/2024, Đảo Thiên Đường - Tập 3 sẽ dời lịch sang ngày 27/07/2024 vì do ngày lễ quốc tang của Tổng bí Thư Nguyễn Phú Trọng vào ngày 25/7 đến 26/7/2024.

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Events in 2024 and 6-7

Founding day Dao Thien Duong (6-7) in history

  • Day 6-7 year 1535: Attorney Thomas More was beheaded in Tower Hill, London, United Kingdom, after refusing to join the Church of England by Henry VIII.
  • Day 6-7 year 1885: Louis Pasteur successfully treated a patient with a rabies vaccine.
  • Day 6-7 year 1942: Anne Frank and her family sought refuge from the Nazis in Amsterdam.
  • Day 6-7 year 1944: A fire caused by inept fire-eaters in the main tent of the Ringling Brothers Circus in Hartford, Conn., killed over 160 people.
  • Day 6-7 year 1957: Althea Gibson won the Wimbledon women's singles tennis title. She was the first black person to win the event.
  • Day 6-7 year 1997: The Mars rover Sojourner rolled onto the Martian surface.
  • Day 6-7 year 1998: Roy Rogers, the King of the Cowboys, died.
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