Novelist Josephine Humphreys


Josephine Humphreys

Living place: South Carolina

Birthday: 2-2-1945 (79 years old)

Population of US 1945: 139,928,165

Global rank: #89682

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Novelist Josephine Humphreys profile

Who is Novelist Josephine Humphreys?
An American author of Southern-themed literature and historical fiction, she is best known for works such as Dreams of Sleep, Firefighters' Fair, and Somewhere Else on Earth. The 1987 novel Rich Love was made into a film starring Albert Finney.
1984 Dreams novel of sleep won the Foundation/PEN Hemingway Prize.

Young / Before famous

She studied creative writing at Duke University and later attended both Yale University and the University of Texas.

Family life info

She grew up in Charleston, South Carolina. She married Tom Hutcheson.

Close relationship

Boy (girl) friend/ wife (husband)/ darling Novelist Josephine Humphreys là ai?
She and Adrian Piper both received Guggenheim Fellowships.

Body measurements of

How tall is Novelist Josephine Humphreys? What Josephine Humphreys's weight?
Height: updating
Weight: updating
Measurements: updating

Summary of Josephine Humphreys profile

When was Novelist Josephine Humphreys born?
Josephine Humphreys birthday 2-2-1945 (at the age of 79).
Where is Novelist Josephine Humphreys's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Josephine Humphreys was born in South Carolina, . Là Novelist, whose Zodiac is Aquarius, and who Chinese Zodiac is The Monkey. Josephine Humphreys's global rank is 89682 and whose rank is 1121 in list of famous Novelist. Population of US in 1945 is about 139,928,165 persons.
Celebrities born in:

Events in 1945 and 2-2

Events in US in the birth year of Josephine Humphreys

  • FDR dies (April 12) and Harry S. Truman becomes president.
  • Manhattan Project tests first atomic bomb in Alamogordo, New Mexico (July 16).
  • A B-25 bomber flies into the Empire State Building, damaging the 78th and 79th floors and killing 13 (July 28).

Birthday Josephine Humphreys (2-2) in history

  • Day 2-2 year 1536: The capital of Argentina, Buenos Aires, is the largest port city founded by Spanish explorer Pedro de Mendoza.
  • Day 2-2 year 1709: Scottish sailor Alexander Selkirk was rescued after four years alone on a deserted island off the coast of Chile. He was the inspiration for writer Daniel Defoe to write the famous novel "Robinson Crusoe."
  • Day 2-2 year 1848: The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, ending the Mexican War, was signed. In the treaty, Mexico ceded to the United States a huge portion of what is today the American West and Southwest, including California and New Mexico.
  • Day 2-2 year 1870: The Cardiff Giant was revealed to be a hoax.
  • Day 2-2 year 1876: The National League of Professional Baseball Clubs was formed.
  • Day 2-2 year 1887: The first gathering at Gobbler's Knob in Punxsatawney, Pa. to wait for the groundhog's shadow occurred.
  • Day 2-2 year 1922: James Joyce's Ulysses was published.
  • Day 2-2 year 1943: Nazi troops surrendered in the World War II Battle of Stalingrad.
  • Day 2-2 year 1971: Idi Amin became dictator of Uganda.
  • Day 2-2 year 1980: The Abscam scandal was revealed.
  • Day 2-2 year 1990: South African President F. W. de Klerk lifted a ban on the African National Congress and promised to free Nelson Mandela.
  • Day 2-2 year 2003: Czech Republic President Vaclav Havel stepped down after 13 years.
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Note about Novelist Josephine Humphreys

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