Only Toker Louis Pham

Louis Pham

Living place: Ha Noi

Birthday: 25-11-2003 (21 years old)

Population of Vietnam 2003: 80,47 millions

Global rank: #27876


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Only Toker Louis Pham profile

Who is Only Toker Louis Pham?
Louis Pham's real name is Pham Nhu Phuong, is a Tiktoker, an athlete has many outstanding achievements at the 31st SEA Games. She has more than 12 years of experience with gymnastics. She has continuously proven her bravery and special skills in national and international competitions. Her Tiktok channel currently has nearly 650 thousand followers and more than 15 million likes. Recently, this hot Tiktoker girl became a hot topic when she got into a "big fight" with Tiktoker Haley Pham.
The videos on Louis Pham's Tiktok channel usually revolve around intimate content, friendly, those are fun moments with friends or training sessions. If anyone has ever followed this 10X girl's personal page, they will see that she is very active in showing off photos showing off her toned and attractive body. It is known that she started participating in gymnastics when she was a 7-year-old girl. She achieved impressive results at the 2018 Asian Youth Gymnastics Championship, and won a ticket to attend the 2018 Youth Olympics. At the 31st EA Games, she competed in four competitions. Includes: balance beam, women's all-around, uneven bars and free gymnastics. In her first participation in the SEA Games, she won 2 Silver medals and 2 Bronze medals.
Recently, the "big battle" between Tiktoker Louis Pham and Haley Pham has attracted attention of the online community. When the two decided to livestream to talk about conflicts and secrets from each other's past. Previously, Louis said some things about Haley and later apologized. However, all the hot gymnastics girl's efforts to solve the problem seem impossible. Because, Haley Pham spoke out against and revealed Louis' secret, including "cuckolding" and virtual living with a black card. During his livestream, Tiktoker Haley Pham shared about: Louis "cuckolding" an overseas Vietnamese friend and her current lover.
This Tiktoker girl also revealed the reason why she doesn't want to play with Louis anymore. Haley revealed that Louis often holds a black bank card and asks the staff to pretend to swipe with the black card to flex virtual life. Faced with these dramas, Louis Pham quickly responded. In particular, this beautiful female athlete also revealed that Haley once cheated on her ex-lover and sold nude photos on 18+ groups. This quickly attracted a lot of attention from the online community. Haley's nude photos quickly spread widely.

Close relationship

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Body measurements of

How tall is Only Toker Louis Pham? What Louis Pham's weight?
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Summary of Louis Pham profile

When was Only Toker Louis Pham born?
Louis Pham birthday 25-11-2003 (at the age of 21).
Where is Only Toker Louis Pham's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Louis Pham was born in Ha Noi, of Vietnam. Ms, whose Zodiac is Sagittarius, and who Chinese Zodiac is The Goat. Louis Pham's global rank is 27876 and whose rank is 479 in list of famous Only Toker. Population of Vietnam in 2003 is about 80,47 millions persons.
Celebrities born in:

Photos/ Images

Portrait photo of Tiktoker Louis Pham
Portrait photo of Tiktoker Louis Pham
Image of Tiktoker Louis Pham at a sporting event
Image of Tiktoker Louis Pham at a sporting event
Latest image of Tiktoker Louis Pham
Latest image of Tiktoker Louis Pham
Image of beautiful and charming Tiktoker Louis Pham
Image of beautiful and charming Tiktoker Louis Pham

Louis Pham ranking


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Events in 2003 and 25-11

Events in the world in the birth year of Louis Pham

  • North Korea withdraws from treaty on the nonproliferation of nuclear weapons (Jan. 10).
  • In State of the Union address, Bush announces that he is ready to attack Iraq even without a UN mandate (Jan. 28). (For an account of the U.S. build-up to war in Iraq, see News of the Nation, 2003.)
  • Ariel Sharon elected Israeli prime minister (Jan. 29).
  • Nine-week general strike in Venezuela calling for President Chavez's resignation ends in defeat (Feb. 2).
  • U.S. Secretary of State Powell presents Iraq war rationale to UN, citing its WMD as imminent threat to world security (Feb. 5).
  • U.S. and Britain launch war against Iraq (March 19). See also Iraq war timeline.
  • Baghdad falls to U.S. troops (April 9).
  • First Palestinian prime minister, Mahmoud Abbas, sworn in (April 29).
  • U.S.-backed "road map" for peace proposed for Middle East (April 30). Background
  • The U.S. declares official end to combat operations in Iraq (May 1).
  • Terrorists strike in Saudi Arabia, killing 34 at Western compound; Al-Qaeda suspected (May 12).
  • Burmese opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi again placed under house arrest by military regime (May 30).
  • International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) discovers Iran's concealed nuclear activities and calls for intensified inspections (June 18).
  • Palestinian militant groups announce ceasefire toward Israel (June 29).
  • Liberia's autocratic president Charles Taylor forced to leave civil-war ravaged country (Aug. 11). Background
  • NATO assumes control of peacekeeping force in Afghanistan (Aug. 11). Background
  • Libya accepts blame for 1988 bombing of flight over Lockerbie, Scotland; agrees to pay $2.7 billion to the families of the 270 victims (Aug. 15).
  • Suicide bombing destroys UN headquarters in Baghdad, killing 24, including top envoy Sergio Vieira de Mello (Aug. 19).
  • Palestinian suicide bombing in Jerusalem kills 20 Israelis, including 6 children (Aug. 19).
  • After Israel retaliates for suicide bombing by killing top member of Hamas, militant Palestinian groups formally withdraw from cease-fire in effect since June 29 (Aug. 24).
  • Palestinian Prime Minister Mahmoud Abbas resigns; "road map" to peace effectively collapses (Sept. 6). Background
  • The Bush administration reverses policy, agreeing to transfer power to an interim Iraqi government in early 2004 (Nov. 14).
  • Suicide bombers attack two synagogues in Istanbul, Turkey, killing 25 (Nov. 15).
  • Another terrorist attack in Istanbul kills 26 (Nov. 20). Al-Qaeda suspected in both. See suspected al-Qaeda terrorist attacks.
  • Georgian president Eduard Shevardnadze resigns after weeks of protests (Nov. 23).
  • Paul Martin succeeds Jean Chretien as Canadian prime minister (Dec. 12).
  • Saddam Hussein is captured by American troops (Dec. 13).
  • Libyan leader Muammar Qaddafi announces he will give up weapons program (Dec. 19).

Birthday Louis Pham (25-11) in history

  • Day 25-11 year 1758: The British captured Fort Duquesne (Pittsburgh) in the seven-year war between the two coalitions, including Great Britain, the Kingdom of Hannover, and Prussia. Fighting on the other side were France, Austria, Russia, Sweden, and the Saxony
  • Day 25-11 year 1783: The British withdrew their troops from New York City, their last military position, after the Revolutionary War.
  • Day 25-11 year 1841: The slaves who seized the Amistad in 1839 were freed by the Supreme Court. They had been defended by former president John Quincy Adams.
  • Day 25-11 year 1947: Movie executives blacklisted the "Hollywood Ten."
  • Day 25-11 year 1986: Iran-Contra scandal broke.
  • Day 25-11 year 1998: Jiang Zemin became the first Chinese head of state to visit Japan since World War II.
  • Day 25-11 year 1999: Elian Gonzalez was rescued off the coast of Florida.
  • Day 25-11 year 2002: President George W. Bush signed into law the Department of Homeland Security and named Tom Ridge as head.
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Note about Only Toker Louis Pham

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