Only Toker Nguyen Nhu Mai

Nguyen Nhu Mai

Living place: Ha Noi

Birthday: 10-11-1989 (35 years old)

Population of Vietnam 1989: 64,77 millions

Global rank: #88983


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Phone number: 0903 275 838

Only Toker Nguyen Nhu Mai profile

Who is Only Toker Nguyen Nhu Mai?
TikToker Nguyen Nhu Mai is known on the social networking platform TikTok as a phenomenon. With a passion for the Tranh and the Pi Ba, through the hardships of life, the female artist finally did what she liked to be attached to traditional music. Born into a family with no artistic tradition, Nhu Mai soon fell in love with music. She came to the arts in 2003, when she was in 8th grade when she heard the announcement of Lao Cai Radio and Television Station recruiting talent for music and dance. Although she passed both music and dance, Mai chose to follow music, Nhu Mai was placed in the 2nd course - ethnic music of Children's House Lao Cai province. Living here, Mai and her friends practiced music taught by People's Artist Phung Chien. And then it was like a chance when the teachers at the Hanoi Conservatory of Music (currently the Vietnam National Academy of Music) discovered Mai's talent and brought it back to the art of Pi Ba.
Being taught by the top teachers of the traditional music department has helped Nhu Mai increasingly love and hope to stick with this instrument. After 9 months of gifted study in Lao Cai, Nhu Mai along with 2 other students who were qualified and suitable for their age entered the Hanoi Conservatory of Music. For 8 long years, Nhu Mai has strived for a good degree from a regular university in the Faculty of Traditional Music. Nhu Mai pursues country music and bolero music.
In 2014, Nhu Mai and her self-made band Jewelsband went to India to live and perform for many months, she and the whole group performed in many other venues. each other in India. Passionate about music, but there was a time when she left to do business, and her family life had constraints. By the end of 2020, when the business was in trouble, Nguyen Nhu Mai brought out the Tranh to play a few small works - Bolero and was surprised to see so many people loving, sharing, and interacting on Facebook. high. Since then, she regularly shares playing videos on social networking platforms and receives the support of a large number of online communities.

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Summary of Nguyen Nhu Mai profile

When was Only Toker Nguyen Nhu Mai born?
Nguyen Nhu Mai birthday 10-11-1989 (at the age of 35).
Where is Only Toker Nguyen Nhu Mai's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Nguyen Nhu Mai was born in Lao Cai, of Vietnam. Ms working and living in Ha Noi, of Vietnam. Ms, whose Zodiac is Scorpius, and who Chinese Zodiac is The Snake. Nguyen Nhu Mai's global rank is 88983 and whose rank is 982 in list of famous Only Toker. Population of Vietnam in 1989 is about 64,77 millions persons.
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Photos/ Images

Portrait image of TikToker Nguyen Nhu Mai
Portrait image of TikToker Nguyen Nhu Mai
TikToker Nguyen Nhu Mai has a beautiful appearance
TikToker Nguyen Nhu Mai has a beautiful appearance
TikToker Nguyen Nhu Mai has a passion for the harp and Pi Ba
TikToker Nguyen Nhu Mai has a passion for the harp and Pi Ba
Daily life pictures of TikToker Nguyen Nhu Mai
Daily life pictures of TikToker Nguyen Nhu Mai

Nguyen Nhu Mai ranking


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Events in 1989 and 10-11

Events in the world in the birth year of Nguyen Nhu Mai

  • US planes shoot down two Libyan fighters over international waters in Mediterranean (Jan. 4).
  • Iran's Ayatollah Khomeini declares author Salman Rushdie's book The Satanic Verses offensive and sentences him to death (Feb. 14).
  • Tens of thousands of Chinese students take over Beijing's Tiananmen Square in rally for democracy (April 19 et seq.). More than one million in Beijing demonstrate for democracy; chaos spreads across nation (mid-May et seq.). Thousands killed in Tiananmen Square as Chinese leaders take hard line toward demonstrators (June 4 et seq.).
  • Mikhail S. Gorbachev named Soviet President (May 25).
  • P. W. Botha quits as South Africa's President (Aug. 14).
  • Deng Xiaoping resigns from China's leadership (Nov. 9).
  • After 28 years, Berlin Wall is open to West (Nov. 11).
  • Czech Parliament ends Communists' dominant role (Nov. 30).
  • Romanian uprising overthrows Communist government (Dec. 15 et seq.); President Ceausescu and wife executed (Dec. 25).
  • US troops invade Panama, seeking capture of General Manuel Noriega (Dec. 20).

Birthday Nguyen Nhu Mai (10-11) in history

  • Day 10-11 year 1871: Journalist and explorer Henry Stanley found the missing David Livingstone in Central Africa and made his famous comment, "Dr. Livingstone, I presume?"
  • Day 10-11 year 1928: Hirohito was crowned Emperor of Japan.
  • Day 10-11 year 1951: The first long distance telephone call without operator assistance took place.
  • Day 10-11 year 1969: Sesame Street premiered on PBS TV.
  • Day 10-11 year 1970: The Great Wall of China opened to the world for tourism.
  • Day 10-11 year 1982: The Vietnam Veterans Memorial opened in Washington, DC.
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Note about Only Toker Nguyen Nhu Mai

Nguyen Nhu Mai infomation and profile updated by