Only Toker Pham Uyen

Pham Uyen

Living place: Ho Chi Minh

Birthday: ?-?-1996 (28 years old)

Population of Vietnam 1996: 73,16 millions

Global rank: #2599



Phone number: updating

Only Toker Pham Uyen profile

Who is Only Toker Pham Uyen?
TikToker Pham Uyen's real name is Pham Huynh Thuy Uyen, born in 1996. She is known for her Tiktok channel specializing in reviewing food, travel and beauty. To date, Pham Uyen's Tiktok channel has reached more than 142 thousand followers and more than 1.6 million likes for videos. Besides, Pham Uyen is also a human resources manager for Amymedia. She has conveyed fresh and positive energy to the community. That's how Pham Uyen touches and stays in the hearts of those who know her.
TikToker Pham Uyen shares: "I maintain two jobs: making TikTok and managing human resources at Amymedia. At first, everything was difficult when the idea and the clip editing process always hit a dead end. Adding my impulsiveness and lack of composure also makes the job of human resource management difficult. But I don't give up, I force myself to try every day. And also because of my efforts to develop, I have gradually improved myself into what I am today." Those were difficult obstacles and Pham Uyen won.
For a strong rose like Pham Uyen, the goals that she set are indispensable. Pham Uyen strives to improve herself every day. She actively learns more knowledge about the fields she is aiming for. For Pham Uyen, there is still a lot to learn. She always forces herself to constantly learn and develop. And family is her motivation to do that.
In the future, TikToker Pham Uyen plans to invest in producing clips with more diverse content to bring the audience the best quality products. Hopefully with her efforts and diligence in each product, the hot Tiktoker girl will achieve more success and be loved by more and more people.

Close relationship

Who is Boy friend/ husband/ darling Only Toker Pham Uyen?

Body measurements of

How tall is Only Toker Pham Uyen? What Pham Uyen's weight?
Height: updating
Weight: updating
Measurements: updating

Summary of Pham Uyen profile

When was Only Toker Pham Uyen born?
Pham Uyen birthday ?-?-1996 (at the age of 28).
Where is Only Toker Pham Uyen's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Pham Uyen was born in Ho Chi Minh, of Vietnam. Ms, whose Zodiac is (don't know), and who Chinese Zodiac is The Rat. Pham Uyen's global rank is 2599 and whose rank is 169 in list of famous Only Toker. Population of Vietnam in 1996 is about 73,16 millions persons.
Celebrities born in:

Photos/ Images

Portrait of TikToker Pham Uyen
Portrait of TikToker Pham Uyen
Pham Uyen is known for her Tiktok channel specializing in food
Pham Uyen is known for her Tiktok channel specializing in food
travel and beauty reviews
travel and beauty reviews

Pham Uyen ranking


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Events in 1996 and 31-2

Events in the world in the birth year of Pham Uyen

  • Chechens capture 2,000 Russians (Jan. 9). Chechnya peace treaty signed (May 27).
  • France agrees to end nuclear testing (Jan. 29). Background: nuclear disarmament
  • Britain alarmed by an outbreak of "mad cow" disease (March 20 et seq.).
  • UN tribunal charges war crimes by Bosnian Muslims and Croats (March 22). Nations pledge $1.23 billion in aid to rebuild Bosnia (April 22).
  • South Africa gets new constitution (May 8).
  • Israel elects Benjamin Netanyahu as prime minister (May 31).
  • Iraqis strike at Kurdish enclave (Aug. 31); after warning, US attacks Iraq's southern air defenses (Sept. 2–3).
  • Militant Taliban leaders seize Afghan capital of Kabul (Sept. 27).
  • Ethnic violence breaks out in Zairian refugee camps (Oct. 13); Clinton approves plan for UN-backed relief mission for 1.2 million Hutu refugees starving in eastern Zaire (Nov. 13). Hundreds of thousands return to Rwanda (Nov. 15–18).
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Note about Only Toker Pham Uyen

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