Only Toker Tran Ha Minh Chau

Tran Ha Minh Chau

Living place: Vietnam

Birthday: ?-?-2003 (21 years old)

Population of the world 2003: 6.31 billions

Global rank: #74769


Phone number: updating

Only Toker Tran Ha Minh Chau profile

Who is Only Toker Tran Ha Minh Chau?
Tran Ha Minh Chau is a young Tiktoker, owner of the Tiktok channel @chou. iu, was founded in 2022. Her Tiktok channel currently has more than 180 thousand followers and more than 8 million likes. She aims to create content about everyday moments, with a playful way of expressing, creating closeness and sympathy for viewers.
Each Tiktoker has its own perspectives and content creation path. For Minh Chau, she only tries to express herself most fully and clearly through each of your content. Initially, she established the channel just for her love. But later, when her videos received a lot of attention from viewers and trended, she became more motivated to find experience in this content creation job.
It is the closeness, cuteness and creating a comfortable feeling for viewers that has made Minh Chau's channel attract more and more followers. Working as a content creator, the most difficult thing is probably the ideas and creativity. At times, she felt confused and lost direction. Because, she herself is someone who likes many types of filming, content, post-production... so much so that sometimes she feels like her channel is in complete chaos. Every time the audience noticed a change in her, they commented "Chau looks so different" or "I don't recognize Chau anymore"... at that moment she felt sad again. Perhaps what helped her persevere in pursuing this job was because of her creative interests and because she did not consider it a profession. She simply thought that if she did it well and if many people supported her, she would do it.
Every time she creates for Minh Chau, it is an internal struggle for her. Fight against negative comments from viewers. However, she still tries her best to live with her creative passion. She also hopes that more and more people will love her channel.

Close relationship

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Body measurements of

How tall is Only Toker Tran Ha Minh Chau? What Tran Ha Minh Chau's weight?
Height: updating
Weight: updating
Measurements: updating

Summary of Tran Ha Minh Chau profile

When was Only Toker Tran Ha Minh Chau born?
Tran Ha Minh Chau birthday ?-?-2003 (at the age of 21).
Where is Only Toker Tran Ha Minh Chau's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Tran Ha Minh Chau was born in Vietnam. Ms, whose Zodiac is (don't know), and who Chinese Zodiac is The Goat. Tran Ha Minh Chau's global rank is 74769 and whose rank is 801 in list of famous Only Toker. Population of the world in 2003 is about 6.31 billions persons.
Celebrities born in:

Events in 2003 and 31-2

Events in the world in the birth year of Tran Ha Minh Chau

  • North Korea withdraws from treaty on the nonproliferation of nuclear weapons (Jan. 10).
  • In State of the Union address, Bush announces that he is ready to attack Iraq even without a UN mandate (Jan. 28). (For an account of the U.S. build-up to war in Iraq, see News of the Nation, 2003.)
  • Ariel Sharon elected Israeli prime minister (Jan. 29).
  • Nine-week general strike in Venezuela calling for President Chavez's resignation ends in defeat (Feb. 2).
  • U.S. Secretary of State Powell presents Iraq war rationale to UN, citing its WMD as imminent threat to world security (Feb. 5).
  • U.S. and Britain launch war against Iraq (March 19). See also Iraq war timeline.
  • Baghdad falls to U.S. troops (April 9).
  • First Palestinian prime minister, Mahmoud Abbas, sworn in (April 29).
  • U.S.-backed "road map" for peace proposed for Middle East (April 30). Background
  • The U.S. declares official end to combat operations in Iraq (May 1).
  • Terrorists strike in Saudi Arabia, killing 34 at Western compound; Al-Qaeda suspected (May 12).
  • Burmese opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi again placed under house arrest by military regime (May 30).
  • International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) discovers Iran's concealed nuclear activities and calls for intensified inspections (June 18).
  • Palestinian militant groups announce ceasefire toward Israel (June 29).
  • Liberia's autocratic president Charles Taylor forced to leave civil-war ravaged country (Aug. 11). Background
  • NATO assumes control of peacekeeping force in Afghanistan (Aug. 11). Background
  • Libya accepts blame for 1988 bombing of flight over Lockerbie, Scotland; agrees to pay $2.7 billion to the families of the 270 victims (Aug. 15).
  • Suicide bombing destroys UN headquarters in Baghdad, killing 24, including top envoy Sergio Vieira de Mello (Aug. 19).
  • Palestinian suicide bombing in Jerusalem kills 20 Israelis, including 6 children (Aug. 19).
  • After Israel retaliates for suicide bombing by killing top member of Hamas, militant Palestinian groups formally withdraw from cease-fire in effect since June 29 (Aug. 24).
  • Palestinian Prime Minister Mahmoud Abbas resigns; "road map" to peace effectively collapses (Sept. 6). Background
  • The Bush administration reverses policy, agreeing to transfer power to an interim Iraqi government in early 2004 (Nov. 14).
  • Suicide bombers attack two synagogues in Istanbul, Turkey, killing 25 (Nov. 15).
  • Another terrorist attack in Istanbul kills 26 (Nov. 20). Al-Qaeda suspected in both. See suspected al-Qaeda terrorist attacks.
  • Georgian president Eduard Shevardnadze resigns after weeks of protests (Nov. 23).
  • Paul Martin succeeds Jean Chretien as Canadian prime minister (Dec. 12).
  • Saddam Hussein is captured by American troops (Dec. 13).
  • Libyan leader Muammar Qaddafi announces he will give up weapons program (Dec. 19).
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Note about Only Toker Tran Ha Minh Chau

Tran Ha Minh Chau infomation and profile updated by