Only Toker Zhuzhu (Chu Thi Hien)

Zhuzhu (Chu Thi Hien)

Living place: Chiet Giang

Birthday: 14-12-2000 (24 years old)

Population of Vietnam 2000: 77,63 millions

Global rank: #1523



Phone number: updating

Only Toker Zhuzhu (Chu Thi Hien) profile

Who is Only Toker Zhuzhu (Chu Thi Hien)?
Tiktoker Zhuzhu was born in 2000, real name is Chu Thi Hien, currently a freelance content creator and online business. Hien was born and raised in Ha Tinh, currently lives and works in Hangzhou (China).
Zhuzhu is loved through content sharing life in China from a Vietnamese perspective. The series sharing about entertainment experiences, different views of Chinese people on related issues between the two countries such as "What do the Chinese think about Vietnam" by Tiktoker quickly received attention. received great attention from the online community. Since then, Zhuzhu has gained more than 600 thousand followers in less than 1 year of operation on the platform.
Zhuzhu comes to content creation as a hobby. Long cherished, her friend always tries to arrange time to plan the production of short video clips on Tiktok. “I knew before that I had a hobby of creating content, so when I was busy with my job searching for goods, I spent a little free time making videos, because I discovered that life Life will always be busy and there's no better time than right now".
Videos were conceived and released while she was working. Perhaps for that reason, Hien's content has a very new approach, strange and very real emotions are the key points to help her receive love from her friends. audience.
Share more about why she chose to start this Tiktok channel, Zhuzhu said it was her own efforts in eliminating many misconceptions about the country. friend that she and her family faced when she decided to marry a Chinese man.
Besides, she also shared about her new step from exporting. The starting point is a Tiktoker. It is an online business on the Tiktok platform, bringing in a relatively stable income to help her friend cover her life. “I am now able to start a business on Tiktok so I can generate income from the job I love.
On the way to building and developing my personal Tiktok channel, Hien feels grateful to receive the support and love of many young people in Vietnam, which is the motivation to help her continue to spread more values ​​to the community.

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Body measurements of

How tall is Only Toker Zhuzhu (Chu Thi Hien)? What Zhuzhu (Chu Thi Hien)'s weight?
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Summary of Zhuzhu (Chu Thi Hien) profile

When was Only Toker Zhuzhu (Chu Thi Hien) born?
Zhuzhu (Chu Thi Hien) birthday 14-12-2000 (at the age of 24).
Where is Only Toker Zhuzhu (Chu Thi Hien)'s birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Zhuzhu (Chu Thi Hien) was born in Ha Tinh, of Vietnam. Ms working and living in Chiet Giang, of China. Ms, whose Zodiac is Sagittarius, and who Chinese Zodiac is The Dragon. Zhuzhu (Chu Thi Hien)'s global rank is 1523 and whose rank is 102 in list of famous Only Toker. Population of Vietnam in 2000 is about 77,63 millions persons.
Celebrities born in:

Photos/ Images

Portrait of Tiktoker ZhuZhu (Chu Thi Hien)
Portrait of Tiktoker ZhuZhu (Chu Thi Hien)
Zhuzhu is loved through content sharing life in China
Zhuzhu is loved through content sharing life in China
ZhuZhu's youthful style in daily life
ZhuZhu's youthful style in daily life

Zhuzhu (Chu Thi Hien) ranking


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Events in 2000 and 14-12

Events in the world in the birth year of Zhuzhu (Chu Thi Hien)

  • Austria at center of European dispute after conservative People's Party forms coalition with the far-right Freedom Party, headed by xenophobe Jörg Haider (Feb. 3).
  • Reformists win control of Iranian parliament for first time since 1979 Islamic revolution (Feb. 26).
  • Governing of Northern Ireland passes back and forth between Britain and nascent Northern Irish parliament; major dispute over IRA's refusal to disarm (Feb-May).
  • Former Indonesian president Suharto under house arrest, charged with corruption and abuse of power (May 29).
  • Presidents of North and South Korea sign peace accord, and at least symbolically, end a half-century of antagonism (June 13).
  • Vicente Fox Quesada elected president of Mexico, ending 71 years of one-party rule by the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) (July 2).
  • Concorde crash kills 113 near Paris (July 25).
  • Palestinians and Israelis clash, spurred by visit of right-wing Israeli leader Ariel Sharon to a joint Jewish/Muslim holy site; "Al Aksa intifada" continues unabated (Sept. 30 et seq.).
  • Nationwide uprising overthrows Yugoslavian president Milosevic (Oct. 5); Vojislav Kostunica sworn in as president (Oct. 7).
  • U.S. sailors on Navy destroyer Cole die in Yemen terrorist explosion (Oct. 12).
  • Mad cow disease alarms Europe (Nov. 30 et seq.).
  • See also: 2000 Year in Review and 2000 Month-by-Month

Birthday Zhuzhu (Chu Thi Hien) (14-12) in history

  • Day 14-12 year 1799: The founder of the United States, George Washington, passed away at the age of 67.
  • Day 14-12 year 1819: Alabama became the 22nd state in the United States.
  • Day 14-12 year 1911: Norwegian explorer Roald Amundsen became the first man to reach the South Pole, beating an expedition led by Robert F. Scott.
  • Day 14-12 year 1939: The Soviet Union was dropped from the League of Nations.
  • Day 14-12 year 1967: DNA synthesized for the first time.
  • Day 14-12 year 1981: Israel formally annexed the Golan Heights.
  • Day 14-12 year 1985: Wilma Mankiller became the first woman to lead a major American Indian tribe as she took office as principal chief of the Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma.
  • Day 14-12 year 1989: Nobel Peace laureate Andrei D. Sakharov died in Moscow at age 68.
  • Day 14-12 year 2012: Adam Lanza, age 20, forced his way into Sandy Hook Elementary School, in Newtown, Connecticut, and killed 26 people. The victims included 20 children between the ages of six and seven.
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Note about Only Toker Zhuzhu (Chu Thi Hien)

Zhuzhu (Chu Thi Hien) infomation and profile updated by