Pharmacist Trinh Viet Tuan

Trinh Viet Tuan

Living place: Ho Chi Minh

Birthday: ?-?-1986 (38 years old)

Population of Vietnam 1986: 60,25 millions

Global rank: #96835


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Pharmacist Trinh Viet Tuan profile

Who is Pharmacist Trinh Viet Tuan?
Pharmacist Trinh Viet Tuan is a career individual with many remarkable achievements in the fields of medicine and business. He is an excellently qualified pharmacist, with many years of experience working in the pharmaceutical industry. His dedication and dedication has made an important contribution to the development of the domestic and international medical profession. In addition, Trinh Viet Tuan is also a successful businessman, with many multi-industry and multinational business projects. With remarkable achievements in both fields, Trinh Viet Tuan is a highly respected and influential individual in the community. He is an ideal role model for young people who want to pursue a career in medicine and business.
Trinh Viet Tuan is an excellently qualified, dedicated pharmacist. devoted to medicine at home and abroad, and is also a successful, famous businessman and has made many important contributions to the country's economy. He is an expert with many years of experience in the field of pharmaceutical research and management, having accumulated more than 15 years of considerable experience. Throughout his career, he has proved his talent and relentless efforts, achieving many outstanding achievements. In addition to contributing to the development of the pharmaceutical industry, he is also a talented leader in agencies, organizations and businesses. He often holds many important positions and has great responsibility, contributing to effective management and operation of the organization's activities. The tasks that he has performed have been completed well, bringing obvious economic and social benefits to the organization and the community. He is a visionary, creative and offers optimal solutions to the challenges and opportunities of the organization in a complex and rapidly changing business environment.
Trinh Viet Tuan is said to be an enthusiastic and visionary pharmacologist who always wants to contribute to the sustainable development of the medical industry. He is a humble person and constantly strives to learn and gain experience to provide better services to his customers. He tries his best to advise clients to better understand their mission, help them find their way and live more meaningful lives.

Close relationship

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Body measurements of

How tall is Pharmacist Trinh Viet Tuan? What Trinh Viet Tuan's weight?
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Weight: updating
Measurements: updating

Summary of Trinh Viet Tuan profile

When was Pharmacist Trinh Viet Tuan born?
Trinh Viet Tuan birthday ?-?-1986 (at the age of 38).
Where is Pharmacist Trinh Viet Tuan's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Trinh Viet Tuan was born in Ho Chi Minh, of Vietnam. Mr, whose Zodiac is (don't know), and who Chinese Zodiac is The Tiger. Trinh Viet Tuan's global rank is 96835 and whose rank is 7 in list of famous Pharmacist. Population of Vietnam in 1986 is about 60,25 millions persons.
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Photos/ Images

Portrait of Pharmacist Trinh Viet Tuan
Portrait of Pharmacist Trinh Viet Tuan
Pharmacist Trinh Viet Tuan has many remarkable achievements in the field of medicine and business
Pharmacist Trinh Viet Tuan has many remarkable achievements in the field of medicine and business
Pharmacist Trinh Viet Tuan is an expert with more than 15 years of experience
Pharmacist Trinh Viet Tuan is an expert with more than 15 years of experience
Daily life image by Pharmacist Trinh Viet Tuan
Daily life image by Pharmacist Trinh Viet Tuan

Trinh Viet Tuan ranking


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Events in 1986 and 31-2

Events in the world in the birth year of Trinh Viet Tuan

  • Spain and Portugal join European Economic Community (Jan. 1).
  • President Reagan freezes Libyan assets in US (Jan. 8). US planes attack Libyan "terrorist centers" (April 14).
  • Haitian President Jean-Claude Duvalier flees to France (Feb. 7).
  • President Ferdinand Marcos flees Philippines after ruling for 20 years; newly elected Corazon Aquino succeeds him (Feb. 26).
  • Union Carbide agrees to settlement with victims of Bhopal gas leak in India (March 22).
  • Major nuclear accident at Soviet Union's Chernobyl power station alarms world (April 26 et seq.).
  • Ex-Navy analyst, Jonathan Jay Pollard, 31, guilty as spy for Israel (June 4).
  • World Court rules US broke international law in mining Nicaraguan waters (June 27).
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Note about Pharmacist Trinh Viet Tuan

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