Pop artist Tom Wesselmann

Tom Wesselmann

Living place: Ohio

Birthday: 23-2-1931 (93 years old)

Population of US 1931: 124,039,648

Global rank: #83155

Email: updating

Phone number: updating

Pop artist Tom Wesselmann profile

Who is Pop artist Tom Wesselmann?
Pop artist who has worked in sculpture, collage, and painting and is known for his "Great American Nude" and "Still Life" series.
He participated in the Exhibition of New Realism in 1962 with the artist Robert Indiana.

Young / Before famous

He attended Hiram College and the University of Cincinnati. Early in his artistic education, he was influenced by the work of Willem De Kooning.

Family life info

He married Claire Selley, whom he met while studying at Cooper Union in the 1950s.

Close relationship

Who is Boy (girl) friend/ wife (husband)/ darling Pop artist Tom Wesselmann?
He was a great of James Rosenquist.

Body measurements of

How tall is Pop artist Tom Wesselmann? What Tom Wesselmann's weight?
Height: updating
Weight: updating
Measurements: updating

Summary of Tom Wesselmann profile

When was Pop artist Tom Wesselmann born?
Tom Wesselmann birthday 23-2-1931 (at the age of 93).
Where is Pop artist Tom Wesselmann's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Tom Wesselmann was born in Ohio, . is a Pop artist, whose Zodiac is Pisces, and who Chinese Zodiac is The Goat. Tom Wesselmann's global rank is 83155 and whose rank is 27 in list of famous Pop artist. Population of US in 1931 is about 124,039,648 persons.
Celebrities born in:

Events in 1931 and 23-2

Events in US in the birth year of Tom Wesselmann

  • Gangster Al Capone sentenced to 11 years in prison for tax evasion (freed in 1939; dies in 1947).
  • Scottsboro trial begins, exposing depth of Southern racism.
  • “The Star Spangled Banner” officially becomes national anthem. Background: Francis Scott Key

Birthday Tom Wesselmann (23-2) in history

  • Day 23-2 year 1821: British Romantic Poet John Keats Dies in Rome, Italy
  • Day 23-2 year 1836: Mexican general Santa Anna began the siege of the Alamo.
  • Day 23-2 year 1896: The Tootsie Roll was introduced by Leo Hirshfield.
  • Day 23-2 year 1898: 1898 French novelist Emile Zola was convicted of libel and sentenced to jail for writing his "J'accuse" letter accusing the government of anti-Semitism and wrongly jailing Captain Alfred Dreyfus.
  • Day 23-2 year 1942: The first Axis shelling of U.S. soil took place near Santa Barbara, Calif.
  • Day 23-2 year 1945: U.S. Marines raised the American flag on Iwo Jima.
  • Day 23-2 year 1997: Scottish scientists announced the successful cloning of a sheep, Dolly.
  • Day 23-2 year 2011: The Obama Administration determines that the Defense of Marriage Act is unconstitutional.
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Note about Pop artist Tom Wesselmann

Tom Wesselmann infomation and profile updated by nguoinoitieng.tv.