Sculpting artist Maya Lin

Maya Lin

Living place: Ohio

Birthday: 5-10-1959 (65 years old)

Population of US 1959: 177,829,628

Global rank: #16491

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Sculpting artist Maya Lin profile

Who is Sculpting artist Maya Lin?
American architectural design and artist who, at the age of 21, designed the Vietnam War memorial in Washington, DC.
She is a Chinese-American sculptor and landscape artist.

Young / Before famous

Her aunt is Lin Huiyin, who is said to be the first female architect in China.

Family life info

She is married and has a daughter with art and photography agent and collector Daniel Wolf.

Close relationship

Who is Boy (girl) friend/ wife (husband)/ darling Sculpting artist Maya Lin?
Like Kellie Martin, Lin also graduated from Yale University.

Body measurements of

How tall is Sculpting artist Maya Lin? What Maya Lin's weight?
Height: updating
Weight: updating
Measurements: updating

Summary of Maya Lin profile

When was Sculpting artist Maya Lin born?
Maya Lin birthday 5-10-1959 (at the age of 65).
Where is Sculpting artist Maya Lin's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Maya Lin was born in Ohio, . is a Sculpting artist, whose Zodiac is Libra, and who Chinese Zodiac is The Pig. Maya Lin's global rank is 16491 and whose rank is 1 in list of famous Sculpting artist. Population of US in 1959 is about 177,829,628 persons.
Celebrities born in:

Events in 1959 and 5-10

Events in US in the birth year of Maya Lin

  • Alaska (Jan. 3) and Hawaii (Aug. 21) become the 49th and 50th states.
  • St. Lawrence Seaway opens, allowing ocean ships to reach Midwest (April 25).

Birthday Maya Lin (5-10) in history

  • Day 5-10 year 1877: Chief Joseph surrendered to the U.S. Army.
  • Day 5-10 year 1910: King Manuel II was overnthrown in a revolution and Portugal became a republic.
  • Day 5-10 year 1921: The World Series was broadcast on the radio for the first time.
  • Day 5-10 year 1947: In the first televised White House address, President Truman urged Americans to refrain from eating meat on Tuesdays and poultry on Sundays to help starving people in other countries.
  • Day 5-10 year 1953: Earl Warren was sworn in as the 14th Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court.
  • Day 5-10 year 1962: The Beatles released their first hit, "Love Me Do," in Britain.
  • Day 5-10 year 1990: Cincinnati's Contemporary Arts Center and its director were acquitted of obscenity charges resulting from an exhibit of Robert Mapplethorpe's photographs.
  • Day 5-10 year 2001: Barry Bonds broke Mark McGwire's record of 71 home runs in one season when he hit his 71st and 72nd homers.
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Note about Sculpting artist Maya Lin

Maya Lin infomation and profile updated by