Stylist Duong Quoc Thanh

Duong Quoc Thanh

Living place: Ho Chi Minh

Birthday: 3-5-1994 (30 years old)

Population of Vietnam 1994: 70,84 millions

Global rank: #85798


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Phone number: 0395 295 485

Stylist Duong Quoc Thanh profile

Who is Stylist Duong Quoc Thanh?
Duong Quoc Thanh is a handsome and multi-talented male stylist. He is known by fashionistas as a stylist "co-star, side by side" along with a series of popular artists such as Ninh Duong Lan Ngoc, S. T, Quang Trung, Thieu Bao Trang, Khai Dang,... Currently he is living and working at Ho Chi Minh City.
Duong Quoc Thanh was born and raised in My Tho hometown, Tien Giang province. From an early age he loved the way fashion shows were shown on TV or in the magazines he saw. That passion kept growing in him, so as soon as he graduated from high school, he decided to go to Saigon to study and pursue this job. In addition to studying at school, the 9X guy also learned more about how to mix/match fashion and surprisingly he fell in love with the job of Stylist.
Up to now. Currently, the boy from My Tho has officially followed the stylist path for 4 years. As one of the followers of the minimalist style - minimalism, he is constantly building his image. That style not only accompanies him in photo shoots but also in everyday fashion. The young stylist said: "Minimalism creates the expression of the human body shape through fine tailoring, giving the wearer a comfortable stand out, or to put it more voluptuously, it brings You can also understand that, the minimalist style is expressed through monochrome colors, the designs are often a combination of basic, no-frills lines. , complex. In other words, minimalism style is "back to basic" - simplifying everything, keeping everything as simple as possible with the goal of sophistication and elegance.
With such in-depth knowledge of fashion, he is always sought after by artists, especially young models, actors, and singers who prefer a minimalist style like Thanh. Especially the female actress Ninh Duong Lan Ngoc, since she collaborated with Duong Quoc Thanh, She has excelled in the Top Influential Artists of Fashion. When collaborating with the actress, Quoc Thanh said: "For Ninh Duong Lan Ngoc - a person who has a high position in the entertainment industry, every time Ngoc appears, she requires very high standards. When appearing, Ngoc often chooses costumes very carefully from color, material as well as shape.Especially, in important events, Ngoc always wants to try on the whole outfit first so that when she appears, she will bring a picture. the photo is beautiful in the eyes of the public."
Hopefully in the future, young stytist Duong Quoc Thanh will develop his talent even more to achieve a lot of success

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Summary of Duong Quoc Thanh profile

When was Stylist Duong Quoc Thanh born?
Duong Quoc Thanh birthday 3-5-1994 (at the age of 30).
Where is Stylist Duong Quoc Thanh's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Duong Quoc Thanh was born in Tien Giang, of Vietnam. Mr working and living in Ho Chi Minh, of Vietnam. Mr, whose Zodiac is Taurus, and who Chinese Zodiac is The Dog. Duong Quoc Thanh's global rank is 85798 and whose rank is 48 in list of famous Stylist. Population of Vietnam in 1994 is about 70,84 millions persons.
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Photos/ Images

Close-up of the handsome face of male stylist Duong Quoc Thanh
Close-up of the handsome face of male stylist Duong Quoc Thanh
 handsome and stylish Duong Quoc Thanh
handsome and stylish Duong Quoc Thanh
 Romantic image of Duong Quoc Thanh
Romantic image of Duong Quoc Thanh
 Duong Quoc Thanh - a talented stylist
Duong Quoc Thanh - a talented stylist

Duong Quoc Thanh ranking


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Events in 1994 and 3-5

Events in the world in the birth year of Duong Quoc Thanh

  • Serbs' heavy weapons pound Sarajevo (Jan. 5-6).
  • Thousands dead in Rwanda massacre (April 6).
  • South Africa holds first interracial national election (April 29); Nelson Mandela elected President.
  • Israel signs accord with Palestinians (May 4), peace treaty with Jordan (Oct. 17).
  • IRA declares cease-fire in Northern Ireland (Aug. 31). Ulster Protestants declare cease-fire (Oct. 13).
  • Aristide returns to Haiti (Oct. 4), forms Government with Prime Minister and full Cabinet (Nov. 9).
  • US sends forces to Persian Gulf (Oct. 7).
  • Russians attack secessionist Republic of Chechnya (Dec. 11 et seq.).

Birthday Duong Quoc Thanh (3-5) in history

  • Day 3-5 year 1937: Margaret Mitchell won the Pulitzer Prize in fiction for Gone With the Wind.
  • Day 3-5 year 1948: The Shelley v. Kraemer Supreme Court decision stated that it is unconstitutional for a court to enforce a restrictive covenant which prevents people of a certain race from owning or occupying property.
  • Day 3-5 year 1979: Margaret Thatcher became the first woman elected prime minister of England.
  • Day 3-5 year 1986: At the age of 54, legendary horse jockey Bill Shoemaker became the oldest person to win the Kentucky Derby, riding Ferdinand to victory.
  • Day 3-5 year 1999: Kansas and Oklahoma were hit by an outbreak of more than 55 tornadoes, including one measured at F5 on the Fujita scale.
  • Day 3-5 year 2001: The United States, a member of the UN Human Rights Commission since its inception, lost its seat. It would be restored the following year.
  • Day 3-5 year 2003: New Hampshire’s symbol, the granite Old Man of the Mountain, collapsed in the state’s Franconia Mountains.
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