Tuong artist Nam Do

Nam Do

Living place: Ho Chi Minh

Birthday: 16-1-1916

Global rank: #87048

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Tuong artist Nam Do profile

Who is Tuong artist Nam Do?
Nam Do, born Nguyen Thi Do, is a famous Vietnamese tuong and cai luong artist. At the age of 13, artist Nam Do followed the Tan Thanh Ban troupe to pay debts. Here, she both worked as a hired worker and learned the art of boi singing. She was loved and trained by Mrs. Cao Minh Chau, the music troupe owner. At the age of 17, artist Nam Do was assigned the main role of Than Nu in the play "Goddess offers five spirits". After the first main role, Nam Do's name quickly became famous and admired by many audiences for its beautiful face, beautiful voice, good acting ability and inspiration. Not long after, she became an actress of the theater theater in Saigon and then she established her own stage named after herself. In 1968, the Cai Luong Tuong dominated the stage, so the artist Nam Do and some colleagues switched to singing chau. After 1975, Ho Chi Minh City's Boico Singing Troupe was established, artist Nam Do is one of the main artists of this troupe. She is always dedicated to teaching younger generations of actors.
During her years of artistic activities, artist Nam Do has left her mark through many roles such as: Dieu Thuyen in the play "Phung Nghi Dinh", Chung Vo Diem in the play of the same name, Phan Le Hue in the play of the same name by Hong Thuy, or a male role as Truong Phi... Artist Nam Do and other artists in the boi choir have recorded and released many records. . Including a set of records taken to attend the Asian Music Festival organized by UNESCO. With an excellent performance in the song "Yen Phi Long farewell to her husband", artist Nam Do won the UNESCO award. With great contributions to the art of singing boi, artist Nam Do was awarded the title of People's Artist by the State in 1984.
On February 24, 1992, People's Artist Nam Do passed away. , her body was interred at the Artist Pagoda, Tp. Ho Chi Minh.

Close relationship

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Body measurements of

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Summary of Nam Do profile

When was Tuong artist Nam Do born?
Nam Do was born in 16-1-1916, death day is 24/1992, at the age of 76.
Where is Tuong artist Nam Do's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Nam Do was born in Tay Ninh, of Vietnam. Ms working and living in Ho Chi Minh, of Vietnam. Ms, whose Zodiac is Capricorn, and who Chinese Zodiac is The Cat. Nam Do's global rank is 87048 and whose rank is 7 in list of famous Tuong artist.
Celebrities born in:

Events in 1916 and 16-1

Events in the world in the birth year of Nam Do

  • Battle of Verdun is fought. Battle of the Somme follows in July. Background: World War I
  • Pershing fails in raid into Mexico in quest of rebel Pancho Villa.
  • Easter Rebellion in Ireland put down by British troops.

Birthday Nam Do (16-1) in history

  • Day 16-1 year 1547: Tyrant Ivan IV Vasilyevich has crowned the first tsar of Russia.
  • Day 16-1 year 1883: The U.S. Civil Service Commission established.
  • Day 16-1 year 1920: A year after it was ratified, the 18th Amendment to the Constitution, prohibiting the sale of alcoholic beverages, went into effect.
  • Day 16-1 year 1942: Actress Carole Lombard, the wife of actor Clark Gable, died in a plane crash.
  • Day 16-1 year 1991: Operation Desert Storm was announced by the White House.
  • Day 16-1 year 1992: The El Salvador government signed a peace treaty with guerrilla forces, formally ending 12 years of civil war.
  • Day 16-1 year 2001: Laurent Kabila, president of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, was assassinated.
  • Day 16-1 year 2003: Space shuttle Columbia blasted off on what would be its final mission. The craft broke up on its descent on Feb. 1, killing all on board.
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Note about Tuong artist Nam Do

Nam Do infomation and profile updated by nguoinoitieng.tv.