TV actress Jean Marsh

Jean Marsh

Living place: England

Birthday: 1-7-1934 (90 years old)

Global rank: #44962

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TV actress Jean Marsh profile

Who is TV actress Jean Marsh?
Actress who played Rose, the maid, upstairs. She also appeared in Willow in 1988 and won a Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Continued Performance by an Actress in a Leading Role in a Dramatic Series.
She is a co-author of The House of Elliot and has had a featured role in Alfred Hitchcock ' s Frenzy.

Young / Before famous

She briefly worked as a cabaret singer and model.

Family life info

She married Jon Pertwee in 1955 and the couple divorced five years later.

Close relationship

Boy friend/ husband/ darling TV actress Jean Marsh là ai?
She co-starred in The Moon and the six-cent with Sir Laurence Olivier.

Body measurements of

How tall is TV actress Jean Marsh? What Jean Marsh's weight?
Height: updating
Weight: updating
Measurements: updating

Summary of Jean Marsh profile

When was TV actress Jean Marsh born?
Jean Marsh birthday 1-7-1934 (at the age of 90).
Where is TV actress Jean Marsh's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Jean Marsh was born in England. Ms, whose Zodiac is Cancer, and who Chinese Zodiac is The Dog. Jean Marsh's global rank is 44962 and whose rank is 2687 in list of famous TV actress.
Celebrities born in:

Events in 1934 and 1-7

Events in the world in the birth year of Jean Marsh

  • Chancellor Dollfuss of Austria is assassinated by Nazis.
  • Hitler becomes Führer when chancellorship and presidency are united.
  • U.S.S.R. admitted to League of Nations.
  • Dionne sisters, first quintuplets to survive beyond infancy, born in Canada. Background: Multiple Births
  • Mao Zedong begins the Long March north with 100,000 soldiers.

Birthday Jean Marsh (1-7) in history

  • Day 1-7 year 1863: The Battle of Gettysburg, which marked the turning point in the Civil War, began.
  • Day 1-7 year 1867: Canada became a self-governing dominion of Great Britain under the British North America Act.
  • Day 1-7 year 1898: Theodore Roosevelt and his Rough Riders fought the battle of San Juan Hill in the Spanish-American War.
  • Day 1-7 year 1943: Income tax withholding began in the United States.
  • Day 1-7 year 1962: Burundi and Rwanda achieved independence.
  • Day 1-7 year 1963: The U.S. Post Office inaugurated its five-digit ZIP (Zone Improvement Plan) codes.
  • Day 1-7 year 1968: The United States, Britain, the Soviet Union, and 58 other nations signed the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty.
  • Day 1-7 year 1994: Yasir Arafat returned to Palestinian land after 27 years in exile.
  • Day 1-7 year 1997: After 156 years of British colonial rule, Hong Kong was returned to China.
  • Day 1-7 year 2000: Vermont's civil unions law went into effect.
  • Day 1-7 year 2013: Croatia became the 28th member of the European Union.
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Note about TV actress Jean Marsh

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