Vietnam War Hero Hung Vu Manh

Hung Vu Manh

Living place: Hai Phong

Birthday: ?-?-1923 (101 years old)

Global rank: #85153

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Vietnam War Hero Hung Vu Manh profile

Who is Vietnam War Hero Hung Vu Manh?
Hung Vu Manh, born Do Van Doan from Kinh ethnic group, is a hero in the Vietnam War, a member of the Communist Party of Vietnam, he used to hold the position of infantry company captain, 2nd company, 9th battalion. Regiment 675.
Hung Vu Manh was born in a poor family, worked as a hoe all year round. From a young age, he had to live with landlords to make a living. When he was an adult, in August 1945, he participated in the general uprising to seize the right and since then he has joined the ranks of the revolution. He was sent to fight in the Northern Delta. He has grown from a grassroots soldier to a regimental cadre, he has fought 65 battles, always upholding his spirit, determination and determination to fight the enemy, his brave fighting style, his clever command, flexible, despite being injured but still continuing to fight, is a shining example for the soldiers of the whole unit. From participating in revolutionary activities until 1954, he and his unit killed 500 enemies, dozens were captured alive, destroyed 20 cannons, 400 vehicles, collected many guns of all kinds, he killed by himself. killed 71 enemies, captured 3 alive, collected 9 guns of all kinds, captured 22 surrendered.
Night of April 20, 1953, in the famous ambush in Kien An commune. Before our troops charged, he bravely pretended to be a puppet officer and went into their camp to monitor the situation. When our troops were ordered to charge up, he and 15 comrades specialized in explosive attacks, sometimes because of stress, he fainted. When he woke up, he continued to instruct the soldiers to use medium-machine guns to control fire. and joined the soldiers to fight directly against the enemy, while fighting and calling for the enemy to surrender, thanks to that, his division killed 175 people, captured 23, 62 guns of all kinds, both battalion killed 325, captured the governor and deputy, destroyed 20 guns, 403 military vehicles. But the next day, the enemy continued to counterattack, he led his unit to defeat 7 waves of enemy attacks, kill 120 men, and collect many weapons.
The night of May 1, In 1854, during the enemy raid at Cao Bat, when our army had just entered the battle, it was difficult, his platoon had lost contact with the company, the assault troops had not yet reached their destination, the center was turned off. At this time, the enemy troops concentrated on firing at the unit fiercely, in the middle of it, he did not hesitate to hold 8 grenades thrown up consecutively to destroy 3 points of fire of the enemy, then he quickly jumped to occupy the bridgehead bunker, robbed an enemy machine gun and fired continuously into the enemy's camp, creating an opportunity for the unit to rush to kill the enemy and thanks to that our army killed 157 people, collected 22 guns, contributing to the battle. He played a large part in our victory, destroying 2 French companies and 1 puppet company.
He was awarded the First Class Victory Medal by the State, was commended by the regiment 4 times and was elected. is ch Emulation doctor.
On May 7, 1956, Hung Vu Manh was conferred the title of Hero of the People's Armed Forces by the Party and State, and awarded the Third-class Military Merit Medal.


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Summary of Hung Vu Manh profile

When was Vietnam War Hero Hung Vu Manh born?
Hung Vu Manh birthday ?-?-1923 (at the age of 101).
Where is Vietnam War Hero Hung Vu Manh's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Hung Vu Manh was born in Hai Phong, of Vietnam. Mr, whose Zodiac is (don't know), and who Chinese Zodiac is The Pig. Hung Vu Manh's global rank is 85153 and whose rank is 84 in list of famous Vietnam War Hero.
Celebrities born in:

Events in 1923 and 31-2

Events in the world in the birth year of Hung Vu Manh

  • Adolf Hitler's "Beer Hall Putsch" in Munich fails; in 1924 he is sentenced to five years in prison where he writes Mein Kampf . He is released after eight months.
  • Earthquake destroys one-third of Tokyo.
  • Occupation of Ruhr by French and Belgian troops to enforce reparations payments. Background: Holocaust Reparations
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