Vietnamese historical celebrity Tran Hung Dao

Tran Hung Dao

Living place: Nam Dinh

Birthday: ?-?-1228

Global rank: #82418

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Vietnamese historical celebrity Tran Hung Dao profile

Who is Vietnamese historical celebrity Tran Hung Dao?
Tran Hung Dao is a politician, writer, a supreme commander of our country during the Tran Dynasty and one of the great and outstanding military men in Vietnamese history.
Tran Hung Dao's name. Born as Tran Quoc Tuan, he was born in a family with several generations of mandarins, his father was An Sinh Vuong Tran Lieu, his uncle is Tran Thai Tong, mother He was a member of the Tran family, Thien Dao Quoc Mau. In 1237, due to his father's rebellion against the court Tran Thu Do, she His biological father is Thuy Ba, the princess adopted him.
Tran Quoc Tuan from a young age loved to play the game of fighting the enemy. Thanks to being taught by good teachers, at the age of 6 he knew how to write poetry. When he grew up, he studied well, riding horses, archery, all very good. Later, when the Nguyen army invaded our country in 1257, Tran Quoc Tuan was assigned to command the army to keep the northern border. In 1285.30 years later, the Nguyen army again invaded our country for the second time, for the third time, Tran Quoc Tuan was assigned the task of leading the whole army to fight the Nguyen army and he won a glorious victory.
Tran Hung Dao was a general of literature and martial arts, he knew the important role, the people were the foundation of society, he proposed a military line with people's character, which one of them was two strategic retreats from Thang Long citadel, which saved the Tran dynasty from great losses, and thereby gave our troops the opportunity to defeat the enemy's mighty army.
Tran Hung Dao devised a scheme to have a garden without empty houses everywhere the enemy came, with good coordination between the army and people and the army of the state, the battle of Bach Dang was one of the battles of Tran Hung Dao. famous to this day. The name Hung Dao Vuong was always mentioned by the enemy with respect.
Tran Hung Dao was not only good at military, but he was also an example of patriotism, ignoring all enmity with religion. The royal family and the generals in the court, united not afraid of difficulties and hardships to serve the court against the enemy in front of them. Until his death, he continued to advise the king Tran Anh Tong the policies of our country at this time is to "unleash the people's strength to make a deep and lasting successor".
August 20, 1300 Tran Hung Dao died at home in Van Kiep. After his death, he was awarded the title of Thai master, patriarch of the kingdom, and martial artist Hung Dao Dai Vuong.
Tran Hung Dao left behind the following works:
  • Binh Binh Gia Dieu Ly Compendium, also known as Biography Compendium
  • Van Kiep Tong's Secret Book of Vows, is an esoteric book of the Van Kiep sect
  • Education Hic General Hic Van is an essay about Hich Generals, also known as Hich Generals.

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Summary of Tran Hung Dao profile

When was Vietnamese historical celebrity Tran Hung Dao born?
Tran Hung Dao was born in ?-?-1228, death year is 1300, at the age of 72.
Where is Vietnamese historical celebrity Tran Hung Dao's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Tran Hung Dao was born in Nam Dinh, of Vietnam. Mr, whose Zodiac is (don't know), and who Chinese Zodiac is The Rat. Tran Hung Dao's global rank is 82418 and whose rank is 21 in list of famous Vietnamese historical celebrity.
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Note about Vietnamese historical celebrity Tran Hung Dao

Tran Hung Dao infomation and profile updated by
Born in 1228