Voice actor Robert Bruce Elliott

Robert Bruce Elliott

Living place: Washington

Birthday: 3-9-1949 (75 years old)

Population of US 1949: 149,188,130

Global rank: #90906

Email: updating

Phone number: updating

Voice actor Robert Bruce Elliott profile

Who is Voice actor Robert Bruce Elliott?
American voice actor known for his roles in English versions of Japanese anime for Funimation Entertainment.
He played the roles of Ginyu and Dr. Wheelo in the Dragon Ball video game series.

Young / Before famous

He began appearing in animated series early in his career as well as in shows like Barney & Friends.

Family life info

He grew up with his family in Renton, Washington.

Close relationship

Who is Boy (girl) friend/ wife (husband)/ darling Voice actor Robert Bruce Elliott?
He appeared on Barney & Friends, created by Sheryl Leach.

Body measurements of

How tall is Voice actor Robert Bruce Elliott? What Robert Bruce Elliott's weight?
Height: updating
Weight: updating
Measurements: updating

Summary of Robert Bruce Elliott profile

When was Voice actor Robert Bruce Elliott born?
Robert Bruce Elliott birthday 3-9-1949 (at the age of 75).
Where is Voice actor Robert Bruce Elliott's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Robert Bruce Elliott was born in Washington, . is a Voice actor, whose Zodiac is Virgo, and who Chinese Zodiac is The Ox. Robert Bruce Elliott's global rank is 90906 and whose rank is 483 in list of famous Voice actor. Population of US in 1949 is about 149,188,130 persons.
Celebrities born in:

Events in 1949 and 3-9

Events in US in the birth year of Robert Bruce Elliott

  • US recognizes the state of Israel.
  • Truman proposes Point Four program to help world's less developed areas (Jan. 20).

Birthday Robert Bruce Elliott (3-9) in history

  • Day 3-9 year 1189: At London's Westminster Abbey. Richard I, nicknamed "The One with Lion's Heart," is crowned King of England.
  • Day 3-9 year 1658: Lord of England Oliver Cromwell passed away at Whitehall Palace, London.
  • Day 3-9 year 1783: The Treaty of Paris officially ended the Revolutionary War between the United States and Great Britain.
  • Day 3-9 year 1939: Great Britain and France declared war on Germany during World War II.
  • Day 3-9 year 1967: Nguyen Van Thieu was elected president of South Vietnam.
  • Day 3-9 year 1974: Frank Robinson was named the first African-American manager in major league baseball.
  • Day 3-9 year 1976: The unmanned U.S. spacecraft Viking II landed on Mars and took the first pictures of the planet's surface.
  • Day 3-9 year 1978: Pope John Paul I was installed as the 264th pontiff of the Roman Catholic Church.
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Other famous Voice actor

Famous people born in 3-9-1949

Note about Voice actor Robert Bruce Elliott

Robert Bruce Elliott infomation and profile updated by nguoinoitieng.tv.