Volleyball player Summer Ross

Summer Ross

Living place: San Diego

Birthday: 20-12-1992 (32 years old)

Population of US 1992: 254,994,517

Global rank: #89369

Email: updating

Phone number: updating

Volleyball player Summer Ross profile

Who is Volleyball player Summer Ross?
Beach volleyball star who in 2010 became the first person to win the FIVB Youth Under-19 and Under-21 Junior World Championships in the same year. Her efforts earned her the 2010 USA Beach Volleyball Female athlete among the five titles.
Even before her success in 2010, she qualified for an AVP tournament in 2009 at the age of 16. Her partner at the time was 17, making them the youth squad, to qualify.

Young / Before famous

She attended the University of Washington to play indoor volleyball, but later transferred to Pepperdine to play beach volleyball.

Family life info

Her brother also played volleyball at Pepperdine. Her parents are Kathy and Tony Ross.

Close relationship

Who is Boy (girl) friend/ wife (husband)/ darling Volleyball player Summer Ross?
She and Emily Day had to compete as teammates.

Body measurements of

How tall is Volleyball player Summer Ross? What Summer Ross's weight?
Height: updating
Weight: updating
Measurements: updating

Summary of Summer Ross profile

When was Volleyball player Summer Ross born?
Summer Ross birthday 20-12-1992 (at the age of 32).
Where is Volleyball player Summer Ross's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Summer Ross was born in San Diego, California- United States. is a Volleyball player, whose Zodiac is Sagittarius, and who Chinese Zodiac is The Monkey. Summer Ross's global rank is 89369 and whose rank is 85 in list of famous Volleyball player. Population of US in 1992 is about 254,994,517 persons.
Celebrities born in:

Events in 1992 and 20-12

Events in US in the birth year of Summer Ross

  • Four officers acquitted in Los Angeles beating of Rodney King; violence erupts in Los Angeles (April 29 et seq.).
  • Caspar W. Weinberger indicted in Iran-Contra affair (June 16).
  • US Supreme Court reaffirms right to abortion (June 29).
  • Democratic convention nominates Bill Clinton and Al Gore (July 1).
  • Court clears Exxon Valdez skipper (July 10). Background: Oil Spills
  • Four police officers indicted in Rodney King beating (Aug. 5).
  • Republicans renominate Bush and Quayle (Aug. 20).
  • Senate ratifies second Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty (Oct. 1).
  • Bill Clinton elected President, Al Gore Vice President; Democrats keep control of Congress (Nov. 3).
  • Bush pardons former Reagan Administration officials involved in Iran-Contra affair (Dec. 24).

Birthday Summer Ross (20-12) in history

  • Day 20-12 year 1790: Samuel Slater built America's first cotton mill in Pawtucket, Rhode Island.
  • Day 20-12 year 1803: The United States officially bought the Louisiana territory from France for $15 million.
  • Day 20-12 year 1860: South Carolina became the first state to secede from the Union.
  • Day 20-12 year 1968: Author John Steinbeck died at age 66.
  • Day 20-12 year 1989: The United States invaded Panama and installed a new government but failed to capture General Manuel Antonio Noriega.
  • Day 20-12 year 1996: Astronomer Carl Sagan died at age 62.
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Other famous Volleyball player

Famous people born in San Diego

Note about Volleyball player Summer Ross

Summer Ross infomation and profile updated by nguoinoitieng.tv.