World leader Carlos Menem

Carlos Menem

Living place: La Rioja

Birthday: 2-7-1930 (94 years old)

Global rank: #46719

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World leader Carlos Menem profile

Who is World leader Carlos Menem?
Carlos Menem full name is Carlos Saul Menem, is an Argentine politician and President of Argentina from 1989-1999. Since 2005, he has been a senator for La Rioja.
Prior to being elected Governor in 1973, Carlos Menem served as party leader in his hometown of La Rioja. In 1976 he was ousted from the position of Governor and in 1983 he was re-elected to the position. In 1989, hyperinflation forced the early resignation of President Raúl Alfonsín and a transition of positions took place, Carlos Menem was elected President instead of the incumbent president who continued his term from 1989-1991. After that, he continued to be elected to the position of President of Argentina for the term 1991-1995. He helped the Washington Consensu and tackled inflation with a transition plan in 1991. In the election for the President of Argentina for the 1995-1999 term, Carlos Menem continued to run for the election and won, defend your position. In 2003, he ran for the position of President of Argentina, but this time he was defeated by Néstor Kirchner. In 2005 he was elected senator of La Rioja.

Young / Before famous

Politician Carlos Menem attended primary and secondary school in the province of La Rioja. While attending college, he joined the school's basketball team. In 1951, he and his team went to Buenos Aires, meeting with President Juan Perón and the first. Lady Eva Perón. In 1955, Carlos graduated from the National University of Córdoba. After overthrowing President Juan Perón's in 1955, Carlos was briefly imprisoned.

Family life info

Carlos Menem's parents are Saul Menem and Mohibe Akil, both Syrians from Yabroud who immigrated to Argentina. In 1966, Carlos Menem married his first wife, Zulema Yoma, in 1991, this marriage broke up. In 2001 he remarried to his second wife, Cecilia Bolocco, but this marriage also ended in 2011. Politician Carlos Menem has a total of 4 children, including Zulema María Eva Menem.

Close relationship

Who is Girl friend/ wife/ darling World leader Carlos Menem?
Politician Carlos Menem is a friend of the US President George W. Bush.

Body measurements of

How tall is World leader Carlos Menem? What Carlos Menem's weight?
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Summary of Carlos Menem profile

When was World leader Carlos Menem born?
Carlos Menem birthday 2-7-1930 (at the age of 94).
Where is World leader Carlos Menem's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Carlos Menem was born in La Rioja, of Argentina. Mr, whose Zodiac is Cancer, and who Chinese Zodiac is The Horse. Carlos Menem's global rank is 46719 and whose rank is 173 in list of famous World leader.
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Photos/ Images

Portrait of World Leader Carlos Menem
Portrait of World Leader Carlos Menem
Carlos Menem is the former president of Argentina
Carlos Menem is the former president of Argentina
A new photo of politician Carlos Menem
A new photo of politician Carlos Menem
Politician Carlos Menem has been elected for two terms as President of Argentina
Politician Carlos Menem has been elected for two terms as President of Argentina

Carlos Menem ranking


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Events in 1930 and 2-7

Events in the world in the birth year of Carlos Menem

  • Britain, U.S., Japan, France, and Italy sign naval disarmament treaty.
  • Nazis gain in German elections.
  • Haile Selassie becomes emperor of Ethiopia.

Birthday Carlos Menem (2-7) in history

  • Day 2-7 year 1566: French astrologer, physician and author of the book "Prophecies" Nostradamus passed away in Salon-de-Provence.
  • Day 2-7 year 1881: President James Garfield was shot by Charles Guiteau; he died on Sept. 19.
  • Day 2-7 year 1890: Congress passed the Sherman Antitrust Act.
  • Day 2-7 year 1937: Amelia Earhart and her co-pilot Fred Noonan disappeared over the Pacific Ocean while attempting to fly around the world.
  • Day 2-7 year 1964: President Johnson signed the Civil Rights Act of 1964 into law.
  • Day 2-7 year 1976: In Gregg v. Georgia, the Supreme Court ruled that the death penalty was not inherently cruel or unusual.
  • Day 2-7 year 1997: Actor James Stewart died in Beverly Hills, Calif.
  • Day 2-7 year 2002: Steve Fossett became the first to circumnavigate the globe solo in a balloon.
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Note about World leader Carlos Menem

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