Admin Dinh Hoang

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Dinh Hoang

Living place: Thai Binh

Birthday: 14-10-1999 (25 years old)

Population of Vietnam 1999: 76,6 millions

Global rank: #96845


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Admin Dinh Hoang profile

Who is Admin Dinh Hoang?
Dinh Hoang's full name is Tran Dinh Hoang - the name is not too strange in the game village Free Fire especially Free Fire Thai Binh. He is widely known by Free Fire game lovers as the leader of Thai Binh Free Fire community - one of the most active groups Vietnam with more than 20,000 members.
Tran Dinh Hoang is currently a student majoring in General Medicine. at Thai Binh University of Medicine and Pharmacy. Although the boys are busy studying and working hard, they still make time for friends in the Free Fire house, here his worries and pressure are somewhat reduced.
Dinh Hoang. is a Free Fire game enthusiast and has a high sense of responsibility, although he is busy with his studies, he still spends time with the Free Fire Thai Binh community group that he manages to help the group grow and develop. More exciting.
With experience and enthusiasm for Free Fire, Dinh Hoang has made a great contribution in successfully organizing the "Battlefield of War" in the area Thai Binh. Even the community "battlefield X2 ESPORTS" he is attached to also contributed representatives to compete in the national finals. This is the great joy of Free Fire Thai Binh gamers, especially Dinh Hoang.
Even during the peak years of the Covid epidemic, Dinh Hoang had just gone to the front line to fight the epidemic, but he still did not neglect his Free Fire house. He has always been able to balance both the work of fighting the epidemic and organizing tournaments in his hometown from afar, making the game fans admire. But also from friends in this Free Fire house, it helps future doctor Dinh Hoang have more motivation to complete both his anti-epidemic work and his studies.

Close relationship

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Body measurements of

How tall is Admin Dinh Hoang? What Dinh Hoang's weight?
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Summary of Dinh Hoang profile

When was Admin Dinh Hoang born?
Dinh Hoang birthday 14-10-1999 (at the age of 25).
Where is Admin Dinh Hoang's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Dinh Hoang was born in Nam Dinh, of Vietnam. Mr working and living in Thai Binh, of Vietnam. Mr, whose Zodiac is Libra, and who Chinese Zodiac is The Cat. Dinh Hoang's global rank is 96845 and whose rank is 19 in list of famous Admin. Population of Vietnam in 1999 is about 76,6 millions persons.
Celebrities born in:

Photos/ Images

Photo of young admin Dinh Hoang
Photo of young admin Dinh Hoang
Picture of young admin Dinh Hoang taking the lead in fighting the epidemic
Picture of young admin Dinh Hoang taking the lead in fighting the epidemic
Picture of Dinh Hoang with his father
Picture of Dinh Hoang with his father

Dinh Hoang ranking


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Events in 1999 and 14-10

Events in the world in the birth year of Dinh Hoang

  • Russian president Boris Yeltsin survives impeachment hearings (May), reshuffles his cabinet twice (May, Aug.), and takes military action against Islamic separatists in Dagestan and Chechnya. Background: 1999 in Review.
  • Nelson Mandela, first black president of South Africa, steps down (June 16), and Thabo Mbeki takes over.
  • War erupts in Kosovo after Yugoslavia's president Slobodan Milosevic clamps down on the province, massacring and deporting ethnic Albanians. NATO begins Operation Allied Force on March 24, 1999, launching air strikes against Belgrade for 78 consecutive days until Milosevic relents. Background: Timeline: The Splintering of Kosovo and Timeline: NATO in Kosovo.
  • Magnitude 7.4 earthquake kills more than 15,600 and leaves 600,000 homeless in Turkey (Aug. 17).
  • East Timor population votes for independence from Indonesia (Aug. 30, 1999), which causes pro-Indonesian forces to massacre and uproot thousands of East Timorese.
  • Pakistani government is overthrown in the midst of economic strife and intensified fighting with India over Kashmir (Oct. 12). Background: 1999 in Review.
  • The world awaits the consequences of the Y2K bug, with more drastic millennial theorists warning of Armageddon.
  • See also: 1999 Year in Review: News of the World

Birthday Dinh Hoang (14-10) in history

  • Day 14-10 year 1066: Under the leadership of William the Conqueror, the Normans defeated the English at the Battle of Hastings.
  • Day 14-10 year 1933: Nazi Germany withdrew from the Geneva disarmament conference and the League of Nations.
  • Day 14-10 year 1947: U.S. Air Force Captain Charles "Chuck" Yeager became the first person to travel faster than the speed of sound.
  • Day 14-10 year 1964: Martin Luther King, Jr., was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for his work in civil rights.
  • Day 14-10 year 1968: The first live telecast from a staffed U.S. spacecraft was transmitted from Apollo 7.
  • Day 14-10 year 1990: Composer-conductor Leonard Bernstein died in New York at age 72.
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Note about Admin Dinh Hoang

Dinh Hoang infomation and profile updated by