CEO Do Thi Van Anh

Image of Do Thi Van Anh #

Do Thi Van Anh

Living place: Vietnam

Birthday: 19-3-1985 (39 years old)

Population of Vietnam 1985: 58,87 millions

Global rank: #32723


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CEO Do Thi Van Anh profile

Who is CEO Do Thi Van Anh?
Do Thi Van Anh is the founder and chairman of Dova Cosmetics Pharmaceutical Group Joint Stock Company. In addition, she is also known for the title "Queen of Inspiration", "Queen of Livestream". At a very young age, Van Anh has created her own brand with successes that many people admire. It can be said that Van Anh is a talented CEO, full of passion and enthusiasm for the cosmetics industry.
Van Anh's Dova Cosmetics Pharmaceutical Group Joint Stock Company specializes in health and beauty care products. pretty. Products "To Ngoc Hoan", "Snow 9" skin lightening pills... are popular with consumers. In particular, Van Anh's Dova Group is also very strong in gynecological products (pills placed with Hoa My Nhan, soaked in Tan Chi Nu Bao...), male enhancement pills...
In 2019, Van Anh was the only businesswoman to be honored with the "Inspiring Queen" award, a noble award voted by Happy Women Network. When it comes to CEO Van Anh, we don't know about care and beauty products, but we also have to mention meaningful volunteer programs. She always shares her love with the community. Van Anh has organized many volunteer activities in difficult localities such as Ha Giang, Tuyen Quang, Bac Kan, giving gifts to the blind in Thanh Xuan district..

Young / Before famous

Do Thi Van Anh was born and raised in a family with difficult circumstances. As the eldest child, Van Anh has had a sense of independence since childhood. She nurtured the blood of business and trade from an early age. When she went to Hanoi to study, Van Anh began to try her hand at business.
First, Van Anh sold corn, baked potatoes, street snacks... When she had a little capital, she switched to fruit and then fashion.
Realizing the potential of doing business on social networks, Van Anh tries to sell online via Facebook, Zalo. She regularly livestreams to introduce health protection products. Thanks to the knowledge learned daily, enthusiasm, passion and charming way of talking, Van Anh succeeded.

Family life info

CEO Van Anh is married and has 3 small children. She once attracted attention when giving her husband a billion-dollar birthday gift.

Close relationship

Who is Boy friend/ husband/ darling CEO Do Thi Van Anh?

Body measurements of

How tall is CEO Do Thi Van Anh? What Do Thi Van Anh's weight?
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Summary of Do Thi Van Anh profile

When was CEO Do Thi Van Anh born?
Do Thi Van Anh birthday 19-3-1985 (at the age of 39).
Where is CEO Do Thi Van Anh's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Do Thi Van Anh was born in Bac Kan, of Vietnam. Ms working and living in Vietnam, Vietnam. Ms, whose Zodiac is Pisces, and who Chinese Zodiac is The Ox. Do Thi Van Anh's global rank is 32723 and whose rank is 106 in list of famous CEO. Population of Vietnam in 1985 is about 58,87 millions persons.
Celebrities born in:

Photos/ Images

CEO Do Thi Van Anh is beautiful and talented
CEO Do Thi Van Anh is beautiful and talented
 CEO Do Thi Van Anh is an inspirational queen
CEO Do Thi Van Anh is an inspirational queen
 CEO Do Thi Van Anh is president of Dova Group
CEO Do Thi Van Anh is president of Dova Group

Do Thi Van Anh ranking


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Events in 1985 and 19-3

Events in the world in the birth year of Do Thi Van Anh

  • Soviet leader Chernenko dies at 73 and is replaced by Mikhail Gorbachev, 54 (March 11). Under the slogans of glasnost and Perestroika, Gorbachev initiates a broad program of reform and liberalization. Background: Rulers of Russia since 1533
  • Two Shi'ite Muslim gunmen capture TWA airliner with 133 aboard, 104 of them Americans (June 14); 39 remaining hostages freed in Beirut (June 30).
  • PLO terrorists hijack Achille Lauro, Italian cruise ship, with 80 passengers, plus crew (Oct. 7); American, Leon Klinghoffer, killed (Oct. 8); Italian government toppled by political crisis over hijacking (Oct. 16).
  • Reagan and Gorbachev meet at summit (Nov. 19); agree to step up arms control talks and renew cultural contacts (Nov. 21). Background: nuclear disarmament
  • Terrorists seize Egyptian Boeing 737 airliner after takeoff from Athens (Nov. 23); 59 dead as Egyptian forces storm plane on Malta (Nov. 24).

Birthday Do Thi Van Anh (19-3) in history

  • Day 19-3 year 1853: During the Taiping Rebellion in China, the rebels captured Nanking and renamed it T'en-ching (Heavenly Capital).
  • Day 19-3 year 1920: The United States Senate voted down signing the Treaty of Versailles for the second time.
  • Day 19-3 year 1931: Nevada state legislature legalized gambling.
  • Day 19-3 year 1953: The Academy Awards were first televised.
  • Day 19-3 year 1996: Sarajevo became a united city again after four years when Moslem-Croat authorities took control of the last district held by Serbs.
  • Day 19-3 year 2003: Mahmoud Abbas became prime minister of Palestine. He would later succeed Yasir Arafat as head of the PLO and president of the Palestinian Authority.
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