Fashion designer Vu Ngoc Tu

Vu Ngoc Tu

Living place: Ho Chi Minh

Birthday: 24-6-1975 (49 years old)

Population of Vietnam 1975: 48,03 millions

Global rank: #14161



Phone number: 0706 098 866

Fashion designer Vu Ngoc Tu profile

Who is Fashion designer Vu Ngoc Tu?
Vu Ngoc Tu is a famous designer in Vietnam. Recently, he and designer Dinh Truong Tung launched a collection called Cruise 2024 that will take place at Saigon Station on the afternoon of July 25 at Saigon Station (District 3, Ho Chi Minh City). This is the 14th solo show of the designer duo. Previously, both of them organized fashion shows at famous locations, associated with Vietnam's historical culture such as Hue Citadel, Ho Chi Minh City Museum, Ho Chi Minh City Post Office, Hoi An ancient town...
Coming to the Cruise 2024 show this time, both designers Ngoc Tu and Truong Tung will bring up to 100 designs, with orange and poinciana flower motifs as the main theme, inspired by brilliant youth. The show aims to honor the achievements of Vietnam's railway industry in general and the beauty and modernity of Saigon Railway Station in particular. The collection uses familiar soft, feminine lace materials such as silk, organza... with liberal lines and Asian charm. The show gathered 150 guests, including many familiar names such as: Thanh Lam, Cam Van, Ly Nha Ky, Ha Kieu Anh, Minh Tu, Tieu Vy, Do Ha , Khanh Van... with more than 80 models participating in the catwalk.
Vu Ngoc Tu graduated with a major in Vocal Music at Hue Academy of Music. But with a passion for fashion since childhood, he researched and became a designer. Initially, he and designer Truong Tung opened a fashion store in Hue to serve tourists and close artists. When many customers trusted them, in 2015, both designers launched the fashion brand Vungoc& Son. The duo put effort into recruiting a team of designers who had studied and trained abroad to renew their creativity. The team of tailors is strictly selected from the ancient capital of Hue.
Both's first collection was "Felling in Love" with a fashion show at the Park Hyatt Saigon Hotel, which initially created a buzz. Thanks to that, the two gradually attracted many famous artists who wanted to collaborate with them. After the success of their first collection, the two continued to produce many collections in the following years. Up to now, the duo has had more than 10 shows in many different locations, highlighting the trend of exploiting Exploring fashion through the perspective of culture-art-life. Besides their shows, the duo also expanded into promoting Vietnamese tourism culture through fashion, designing modern costumes combined with traditional Asian culture.
The duo was also voted by Heritage Fashion magazine as the top 20 favorite designers in Vietnam and honored at the 20-year event

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Summary of Vu Ngoc Tu profile

When was Fashion designer Vu Ngoc Tu born?
Vu Ngoc Tu birthday 24-6-1975 (at the age of 49).
Where is Fashion designer Vu Ngoc Tu's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Vu Ngoc Tu was born in Quang Binh, of Vietnam. Mr working and living in Ho Chi Minh, of Vietnam. Mr, whose Zodiac is Cancer, and who Chinese Zodiac is The Cat. Vu Ngoc Tu's global rank is 14161 and whose rank is 42 in list of famous Fashion designer. Population of Vietnam in 1975 is about 48,03 millions persons.
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Photos/ Images

Portraits of designer Vu Ngoc Tu
Portraits of designer Vu Ngoc Tu
 Images of designers Vu Ngoc Tu and Dinh Truong Tung always standing side by side
Images of designers Vu Ngoc Tu and Dinh Truong Tung always standing side by side
 Images of designers Vu Ngoc Tu and Dinh Truong Tung at Saigon station
Images of designers Vu Ngoc Tu and Dinh Truong Tung at Saigon station

Vu Ngoc Tu ranking


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Events in 1975 and 24-6

Events in the world in the birth year of Vu Ngoc Tu

  • Pol Pot and Khmer Rouge take over Cambodia (April).
  • The city of Saigon is surrendered and remaining Americans are evacuated, ending the Vietnam War (April 30).
  • American merchant ship Mayaguez, seized by Cambodian forces, is rescued in operation by US Navy and Marines, 38 of whom are killed (May 15).
  • Apollo and Soyuz spacecraft take off for US-Soviet link-up in space (July 15).

Birthday Vu Ngoc Tu (24-6) in history

  • Day 24-6 year 1509: Henry VIII is officially crowned king of England.
  • Day 24-6 year 1647: Early American feminist Margaret Brent requested a seat and vote in the Maryland Congress but was removed from that body.
  • Day 24-6 year 1675: The day of the deadliest war commanded by King Philip between the colonists and the Indians began with the Indians attacking the settlement of Swansea (Mass).
  • Day 24-6 year 1908: The 22nd and 24th president of the United States, Grover Cleveland, died in Princeton, N.J.
  • Day 24-6 year 1947: Kenneth Arnold, an American pilot, reported seeing strange objects near Mt. Rainier, Washington. He described them as "saucers skipping across the water," hence the term "flying saucers" was born.
  • Day 24-6 year 1948: The Soviet Union began a blockade of Berlin. Allied forces responded with what would be known as the Berlin Airlift flying in more than 2 million tons of supplies over the next year.
  • Day 24-6 year 1997: The U.S. Air Force released The Roswell Report, closing the case on the 1947 Roswell, N.M. incident concerning UFOs and alien bodies.
  • Day 24-6 year 2011: New York passes a law to allow same-sex marriage, becoming the largest state that allows gay and lesbian couples to marry.
  • Day 24-6 year 2012: Lonesome George, the last known Pinta Island Tortoise, died at a Galapagos National Park, making the subspecies extinct.
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