Female Opera Melinda Clarke

Melinda Clarke

Living place: California

Birthday: 24-4-1969 (55 years old)

Population of US 1969: 202,676,946

Global rank: #28729

Email: updating

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Female Opera Melinda Clarke profile

Who is Female Opera Melinda Clarke?
Star Soap who became known for television audiences for her daytime drama role about the popular soap opera days of Our Lives
. She played Julie Cooper-Nichol on the hit teen soap opera The O. C

Young / Before famous

After appearing in Days of Our Lives, she joined Soldier of Fortune, Inc.

Family life info

She married Ernie Mirich in 1997.

Close relationship

Who is Boy friend/ husband/ darling Female Opera Melinda Clarke?
She had a major role in the television series Nikita, but also played the role of Shane West.

Body measurements of

How tall is Female Opera Melinda Clarke? What Melinda Clarke's weight?
Height: updating
Weight: updating
Measurements: updating

Summary of Melinda Clarke profile

When was Female Opera Melinda Clarke born?
Melinda Clarke birthday 24-4-1969 (at the age of 55).
Where is Female Opera Melinda Clarke's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Melinda Clarke was born in California, . Ms, whose Zodiac is Taurus, and who Chinese Zodiac is The Rooster. Melinda Clarke's global rank is 28729 and whose rank is 204 in list of famous Female Opera. Population of US in 1969 is about 202,676,946 persons.
Celebrities born in:

Photos/ Images

Portrait of Opera Female Musical Melinda Clarke
Portrait of Opera Female Musical Melinda Clarke
A new photo of Melinda Clarke- Famous California Opera Female
A new photo of Melinda Clarke- Famous California Opera Female
Latest picture of Opera Female Melinda Clarke
Latest picture of Opera Female Melinda Clarke
A portrait image of Opera Woman Melinda Clarke
A portrait image of Opera Woman Melinda Clarke
 Portrait of Melinda Clarke
Portrait of Melinda Clarke

Melinda Clarke ranking


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Events in 1969 and 24-4

Events in US in the birth year of Melinda Clarke

  • Richard M. Nixon is inaugurated 37th President of the US (Jan. 20).
  • Stonewall riot in New York City marks beginning of gay rights movement (June 28).
  • Sen. Edward M. Kennedy pleads guilty to leaving scene of fatal accident at Chappaquiddick, Mass. (July 18) in which Mary Jo Kopechne was drowned—gets two-month suspended sentence (July 25). Background: Timeline of Kennedy tragedies
  • Apollo 11 astronauts—Neil A. Armstrong and Edwin E. Aldrin, Jr., —take first walk on the Moon (July 20).

Birthday Melinda Clarke (24-4) in history

  • Day 24-4 year 1800: The Library of Congress of the United States was established.
  • Day 24-4 year 1898: Spain declared war on the U.S..
  • Day 24-4 year 1915: Turks began deportation of Armenians that led to the massacre of between 600,000 and 1.5 million Armenians.
  • Day 24-4 year 1916: The Easter Rebellion begins in Dublin, Ireland. Although unsuccessful, the uprising was an important symbolic event leading to the establishment of the Republic of Ireland.
  • Day 24-4 year 1953: Winston Churchill was knighted by Queen Elizabeth II.
  • Day 24-4 year 1990: The shuttle Discovery blasted off with the Hubble Space Telescope.
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Other famous Female Opera

Famous people born in 24-4-1969

Note about Female Opera Melinda Clarke

Melinda Clarke infomation and profile updated by nguoinoitieng.tv.