Monks Thich Minh Tue

Image of Thich Minh Tue #

Thich Minh Tue

Living place: Vietnam

Birthday: ?-?-1981 (43 years old)

Population of Vietnam 1981: 54,72 millions

Global rank: #70555


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Monks Thich Minh Tue profile

Who is Monks Thich Minh Tue?
Monk Thich Minh Tue (real name Le Anh Tu) is famous on social networks for dressing like a Buddhist monk, practicing according to the "dau da" dharma, walking from South to North and then from North to South. With bare feet and bare head to beg for alms, monk Minh Tue has practiced asceticism for 6 years with 4 walks along the length of the country.
The monk practices asceticism, calls himself "son" in communication, wears clothes sewn from scraps of fabric he has collected, and carries rice cooker cores instead of alms bowls. Master Minh Tue does not accept offerings of anything other than food for just one meal a day. He vows to be an ascetic with a minimalist lifestyle, homeless, sleeping somewhere at night, eating only one meal, and eating whatever everyone gives him to be liberated according to Buddhist concepts.
Although monk Minh Tue's practice journey has lasted for many years, it has recently received more attention. Wherever he goes, he has a group of people following him with countless clips on social networks. Besides the people who come to worship, there are also many Youtubers and TikTokers who follow to post pictures and videos about the teacher with the purpose of increasing interaction. Master Minh Tue repeatedly reminded everyone: "I don't need anyone to protect my dharma or guard", "We've already met when we meet, everyone should go back to their work" ; "I came here to study, nothing"... I don't want to affect security, traffic safety and everyone's work because of me. On May 20, 2024, monk Minh Tue arrived at Hoanh Son Quan - ''heaven's gate on top of Ngang Pass on the border of Ha Tinh province. and Quang Binh temporarily retreat.
Master Minh Tue repeatedly said that he is not a Buddhist monk of the Buddhist Sangha Vietnam. The Executive Council of the Vietnam Buddhist Sangha also issued an official document confirming that Master Minh Tue is not a Buddhist monk, does not practice and is not an employee of any temple or monastery of the Church. Vietnamese Buddhism. Even though he is not a monk, this ascetic man without "greed, anger, or ignorance" is still called a monk, a teacher.
Master Minh Tue does not preach the Dharma, does not accept disciples, and does not consider himself a teacher. Many times this monk affirmed that he was just a Vietnamese citizen "practicing" according to Buddha's teachings.

Young / Before famous

Su Minh Tue is the second child in a family of three sons and one daughter. From a young age, he was filial and had good academic ability, so he was loved by everyone. After graduating from high school, he followed his father's footsteps, joined the army and then attended Central Highlands Forestry Intermediate School. After graduating, he worked as a surveyor for a private company in Dak Lak. At this time, he read Buddhist books, became a vegetarian and practiced at home.

Close relationship

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Body measurements of

How tall is Monks Thich Minh Tue? What Thich Minh Tue's weight?
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Summary of Thich Minh Tue profile

When was Monks Thich Minh Tue born?
Thich Minh Tue birthday ?-?-1981 (at the age of 43).
Where is Monks Thich Minh Tue's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Thich Minh Tue was born in Ha Tinh, of Vietnam. Mr working and living in Vietnam. Mr, whose Zodiac is (don't know), and who Chinese Zodiac is The Rooster. Thich Minh Tue's global rank is 70555 and whose rank is 31 in list of famous Monks. Population of Vietnam in 1981 is about 54,72 millions persons.
Celebrities born in:

Photos/ Images

Monk Thich Minh Tue practices asceticism
Monk Thich Minh Tue practices asceticism
Monk Thich Minh Tue practices asceticism
Monk Thich Minh Tue practices asceticism
Monk Thich Minh Tue in his youth
Monk Thich Minh Tue in his youth

Thich Minh Tue ranking


Thích Minh Tuệ 04/06/24 10:55
Nhà sư Thích Minh Tuệ tạm dừng khất thực - Theo thông tin từ ngày 03/06/2024.

Thích Minh Tuệ 29/05/24 8:25
Nhà sư Thích Minh Tuệ tạm thời bị ẩn tu - theo thông tin từ ngày 20/05/2024.

(Use English or Vietnamese)
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Events in 1981 and 31-2

Events in the world in the birth year of Thich Minh Tue

  • US-Iran agreement frees 52 hostages held in Teheran since 1979 (Jan. 20); hostages welcomed back in US (Jan. 25). Background: Iran Hostage Crisis
  • Pope John Paul II wounded by gunman (May 14).
  • Israel annexes the disputed Golan Heights territory (Dec. 14).
  • Egyptian president Anwar el-Sadat is assassinated by Islamic extremists during a military parade in Cairo (Oct. 6).
  • President Hilla Limann is overthrown in Ghana as Jerry J. Rawlings seizes power.
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Note about Monks Thich Minh Tue

Thich Minh Tue infomation and profile updated by