Music producer Lee Habeeb

Lee Habeeb

Living place: New Jersey

Birthday: 21-1-1961 (63 years old)

Population of US 1961: 183,691,481

Global rank: #99094

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Music producer Lee Habeeb profile

Who is Music producer Lee Habeeb?
Best known as a producer and content developer with a Christian-themed broadcasting company called Salem Radio Network, this New Jersey-born writer and executive has also written columns for publications such as The Washington Examiner and USA Today.
He played a key role in the development of a political conservative petition called FreeOurHealthCareNow. com.

Young / Before famous

NYU's In 1991, he earned a law degree from the University of Virginia.

Family life info

Born in Teaneck, New Jersey, he later settled in Oxford, Mississippi, with his wife and children (Valerie and Reagan Habeeb, respectively)

Close relationship

Who is Boy (girl) friend/ wife (husband)/ darling Music producer Lee Habeeb?
He co-created and executive produced a conservative radio talk show called The Laura Ingraham Show.

Body measurements of

How tall is Music producer Lee Habeeb? What Lee Habeeb's weight?
Height: updating
Weight: updating
Measurements: updating

Summary of Lee Habeeb profile

When was Music producer Lee Habeeb born?
Lee Habeeb birthday 21-1-1961 (at the age of 63).
Where is Music producer Lee Habeeb's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Lee Habeeb was born in New Jersey, . is a Music producer, whose Zodiac is Aquarius, and who Chinese Zodiac is The Rat. Lee Habeeb's global rank is 99094 and whose rank is 335 in list of famous Music producer. Population of US in 1961 is about 183,691,481 persons.
Celebrities born in:

Events in 1961 and 21-1

Events in US in the birth year of Lee Habeeb

  • Robert Frost recites "The Gift Outright" at John F. Kennedy's inauguration (Jan. 20).
  • First US astronaut, Navy Cmdr. Alan B. Shepard, Jr., rockets 116.5 miles up in 302-mile trip (May 5).
  • Virgil Grissom becomes second American astronaut, making 118-mile-high, 303-mile-long rocket flight over Atlantic (July 21).

Birthday Lee Habeeb (21-1) in history

  • Day 21-1 year 1793: King Louis XVI was beheaded for treason.
  • Day 21-1 year 1915: The first Kiwanis Club was founded in Detroit.
  • Day 21-1 year 1924: Vladimir Ilyich Lenin died in Moscow.
  • Day 21-1 year 1950: Former State department official Alger Hiss found guilty of perjury.
  • Day 21-1 year 1954: USS Nautilus, the first nuclear-powered submarine was launched.
  • Day 21-1 year 1977: President Carter pardoned most Vietnam War draft evaders.
  • Day 21-1 year 2003: The U.S. Census Bureau reported that Hispanics had surpassed Blacks as the largest minority group.
  • Day 21-1 year 2010: In a 5-4 decision, the U.S. Supreme Court rules in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission that the government cannot restrict the spending of corporations for political campaigns, maintaining that it's their First Amendment right to support candidates as they choose. This decision upsets two previous precedents on the free-speech rights of corporations.
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Note about Music producer Lee Habeeb

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