New Poet Tham Tam

Tham Tam

Living place: Cao Bang

Birthday: 12-5-1917

Global rank: #55009

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New Poet Tham Tam profile

Who is New Poet Tham Tam?
Poet Tham Tam's real name is Nguyen Tuan Trinh, a native of Hai Duong, he was born into a poor family with many children.
He is famous for his poem Song Goodbye, with a poetic style that harmonizes with ancient times. Classic and modern, showing a very high temperament. In addition, Tham Tam also has 3 poems To T. T. Kh. , The Color of Tygon's Blood, Unfinished. These are the best love poems of Tham Tam to the mysterious poet T. T. Kh. in 1940.
He died on August 18, 1950 on his way to work in the Border campaign, was buried by his teammates and local people at Ban Po Noa, Phi Hai Commune, Quang Uyen District, Cao Bang province.
In 2007, Tham Tam was posthumously awarded the State Prize for Literature and Art.
* Typical works:
  • Hello Huong Son
  • Farewell
  • August Dew
  • Farewell
  • Sadly incident
  • Nghia Thien Huong
  • Great Wall of China
  • August 19
  • Lifestyle
  • Rainy Afternoon on Street 5
  • Three Hearts Poetry
  • Blood Flag
  • Worker


Young / Before famous

  • In 1938, he attended primary school in Hanoi, used to paint for a living.
  • Since the 1940s, he has been involved in journalism, writing and often published in Seventh Novel, Today, Fifth Novel and Spreading the National Language...
  • After 1945, Tham Tam participated in the National Salvation Culture, was in the editorial board of Tien Phong newspaper (1945-1946), then he joined the army, worked as secretary of the editorial office of Ve Quoc Quan newspaper (later Army newspaper). People).

Family life info

  • Thâm Tâm was born into a large family of siblings. Sham Tam has 2 older sisters, 2 younger brothers and 2 younger sisters.
  • Mrs. Pham Thi An (1920-2005) is Tham Tam's wife.
  • The youngest brother's name is Nguyen Tuan San, pen name Hoai Niem, Bac Thon, author of children's stories "Two villages of Ta Pinh and Dong Hía".
  • Tham Tam has only one son, Nguyen Tuan. Khoa, born in 1946, former director of the Institute of Medical Information under the Ministry of Health, author of the short story "Hoa Thach Truc Bao of Peace".
  • Daughter-in-law is Nguyen Ngoc My, former Head of Foreign Languages ​​Department, Hanoi University of Pharmacy.

Close relationship

Who is Girl friend/ wife/ darling New Poet Tham Tam?

Body measurements of

How tall is New Poet Tham Tam? What Tham Tam's weight?
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Summary of Tham Tam profile

When was New Poet Tham Tam born?
Tham Tam was born in 12-5-1917, death day is 18/1950, at the age of 33.
Where is New Poet Tham Tam's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Tham Tam was born in Hai Duong, of Vietnam. Mr working and living in Cao Bang, of Vietnam. Mr, whose Zodiac is Taurus, and who Chinese Zodiac is The Snake. Tham Tam's global rank is 55009 and whose rank is 11 in list of famous New Poet.
Celebrities born in:

Photos/ Images

Portrait of New Poet Tham Tam
Portrait of New Poet Tham Tam
A photo of Tham Tam- Famous new poet Hai Duong-Vietnam
A photo of Tham Tam- Famous new poet Hai Duong-Vietnam
Poet Tham Tam (3rd from left) with teammates Bao Ve Quoc Quan
Poet Tham Tam (3rd from left) with teammates Bao Ve Quoc Quan
Poet Tham Tam with comrades of the General Department of Politics Propaganda Department
Poet Tham Tam with comrades of the General Department of Politics Propaganda Department

Tham Tam ranking


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Events in 1917 and 12-5

Events in the world in the birth year of Tham Tam

  • First U.S. combat troops arrive in France as U.S. declares war on Germany (April 6). Background: World War I
  • Third Battle of Ypres is fought. Background: World War I
  • World-wide influenza pandemic strikes; by 1920, nearly 20 million are dead. In U.S. alone, 500,000 perish. Background: Major U.S. Epidemics
  • Dutch dancer Mata Hari is convicted and executed as a German spy.
  • Government offices are seized and the Romanov's Winter Palace is stormed in Russian October Revolution.

Birthday Tham Tam (12-5) in history

  • Day 12-5 year 1870: Manitoba became a province of Canada.
  • Day 12-5 year 1932: The body of Charles and Anne Lindbergh's kidnapped baby was found.
  • Day 12-5 year 1937: Britain’s King George VI was crowned at Westminster Abbey in London.
  • Day 12-5 year 1943: Axis forces in North Africa surrendered.
  • Day 12-5 year 1949: The Soviet blockade that prompted the Berlin airlift was ended.
  • Day 12-5 year 1970: Harry A. Blackmun was confirmed as a Supreme Court justice.
  • Day 12-5 year 2002: Former president Jimmy Carter became the first U.S. president (in or out of office) to visit Fidel Castro's Cuba.
  • Day 12-5 year 2008: An estimated 7.9 magnitude earthquake struck Sichuan, Gansu, and Yunnan Provinces in western China and as many as 68,000 people were killed.
  • Day 12-5 year 2012: The 2012 World Expo began in Yeosu, South Korea.
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