Novelist Johan Daisne


Johan Daisne

Living place: Belgium

Birthday: 2-9-1912

Global rank: #99801

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Novelist Johan Daisne profile

Who is Novelist Johan Daisne?
Dutch-language novelist and poet who is known for his works of magical realism and for his poetry collection Verzen. His other works include De nacht komt genoeg gauw and De trap van steen en wolken.
He became Ghent's chief librarian in 1945.

Young / Before famous

He studied economics and Slavic languages ​​at Ghent University, earning his doctorate in 1936.

Family life info

His birth name was Herman Thiery; he later adopted the pseudonym of Johan Daisne.

Close relationship

Boy (girl) friend/ wife (husband)/ darling Novelist Johan Daisne là ai?
His contemporary, Jorge Luis Borges, was a Latin American pioneer of the magical realism genre.

Body measurements of

How tall is Novelist Johan Daisne? What Johan Daisne's weight?
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Weight: updating
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Summary of Johan Daisne profile

When was Novelist Johan Daisne born?
Johan Daisne was born in 2-9-1912, death year is , at the age of 112.
Where is Novelist Johan Daisne's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Johan Daisne was born in Belgium. Là Novelist, whose Zodiac is Virgo, and who Chinese Zodiac is The Rat. Johan Daisne's global rank is 99801 and whose rank is 1399 in list of famous Novelist.
Celebrities born in:

Events in 1912 and 2-9

Events in the world in the birth year of Johan Daisne

  • The "unsinkable" oceanliner Titanic sinks on maiden voyage after colliding with an iceberg; over 1,500 drown (April 15).
  • Balkan Wars begin, resulting from territorial disputes: Turkey defeated by alliance of Bulgaria, Serbia, Greece, and Montenegro (Oct.).

Birthday Johan Daisne (2-9) in history

  • Day 2-9 year 1666: A massive fire broke out in London, destroying much of the city, including St. Paul's Cathedral.
  • Day 2-9 year 1789: The U.S. Treasury Department was established.
  • Day 2-9 year 1901: Vice President Theodore Roosevelt gave his "speak softly and carry a big stick" speech, regarding foreign policy, at the Minnesota State Fair.
  • Day 2-9 year 1945: Japan's formal surrender in World War II was celebrated as Victory over Japan (V-J) Day.
  • Day 2-9 year 1963: Alabama governor George Wallace prevented the racial integration of Tuskegee High School by encircling the building with state troopers.
  • Day 2-9 year 1969: North Vietnamese president Chi Minh died.
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Note about Novelist Johan Daisne

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