Only Toker Ong Chu Hang Hieu

Ong Chu Hang Hieu

Living place: Ha Noi

Birthday: 31-7-1984 (40 years old)

Population of Vietnam 1984: 57,69 millions

Global rank: #6723


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Only Toker Ong Chu Hang Hieu profile

Who is Only Toker Ong Chu Hang Hieu?
Mr. Hang Hieu's real name is Dang Phong Nam, is a Tiktoker who is Vietnam . He is a name no stranger to the late 8X and early 9X generations. He is a young flight attendant of Vietnam Airlines. Charming with the job of creating content, he is currently a Tiktoker, and a co-founder of the Facebook group Addiction House. Tiktok channel Mr. Chi Hang Hieu attracts a lot of viewers by sharing priceless videos, reviewing expensive branded items.
Tiktoker Phong Nam used to be a flight attendant. Taking advantage of his job as a language, often flying abroad, he has traded in hand-carried brands, products such as bags, watches, luxury food... Along with that, He and his wife also developed a chain of Thai restaurants. With intelligence, sensitivity and ability to seize opportunities, he and his wife have achieved many successes in business. Banana Koh-Yam Thai restaurant of the couple currently has 12 establishments in Vietnam.
In addition to developing the Facebook group, Phong Nam also built his own Tiktok channel to share his experiences about brands. He often makes priceless videos, quick reviews about the luxurious lives of famous characters.... Videos such as: review of a new truck that bought Rollroyce, a Hermes bag of more than 1 billion, review of a villa of 480 billion has The two fronts facing the Saigon River... of this Tiktoker 8X have received hundreds of thousands of views and interactions. Putting himself in the position of the viewer, Tiktoker Phong Nam has aimed to create review content to bring viewers quality and really valuable videos. With all his faith, efforts and passion, he has brought a useful space for users on the Tiktok platform. Currently, his channel has hundreds of thousands of followers. Surely with his sincere heart and seriousness at work, this male Tiktoker's career will become stronger and stronger.

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Body measurements of

How tall is Only Toker Ong Chu Hang Hieu? What Ong Chu Hang Hieu's weight?
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Summary of Ong Chu Hang Hieu profile

When was Only Toker Ong Chu Hang Hieu born?
Ong Chu Hang Hieu birthday 31-7-1984 (at the age of 40).
Where is Only Toker Ong Chu Hang Hieu's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Ong Chu Hang Hieu was born in Ha Noi, of Vietnam. Mr, whose Zodiac is Leo, and who Chinese Zodiac is The Rat. Ong Chu Hang Hieu's global rank is 6723 and whose rank is 419 in list of famous Only Toker. Population of Vietnam in 1984 is about 57,69 millions persons.
Celebrities born in:

Photos/ Images

Portrait of a brand name Tiktoker
Portrait of a brand name Tiktoker
a new image of a branded uncle Tiktoker
a new image of a branded uncle Tiktoker
a branded uncle Tiktoker attracted the attention of the online community by sharing video review of branded goods
a branded uncle Tiktoker attracted the attention of the online community by sharing video review of branded goods
a picture of a brand name when working at Vietnam Airlines
a picture of a brand name when working at Vietnam Airlines

Ong Chu Hang Hieu ranking


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Events in 1984 and 31-7

Events in the world in the birth year of Ong Chu Hang Hieu

  • Syria frees captured US Navy pilot, Lieut. Robert C. Goodman, Jr. (Jan. 3).
  • US and Vatican exchange diplomats after 116-year hiatus (Jan. 10).
  • Reagan orders US Marines withdrawn from Beirut international peacekeeping force (Feb. 7).
  • Yuri V. Andropov dies at 69; Konstantin U. Chernenko, 72, named Soviet leader (Feb. 9). Background: Rulers of Russia since 1533
  • Italy and Vatican agree to end Roman Catholicism as state religion (Feb. 18).
  • Soviet Union withdraws from summer Olympic games in US, and other bloc nations follow (May 7 et seq.).
  • José Napoleón Duarte, moderate, elected president of El Salvador (May 11).
  • Three hundred slain as Indian Army occupies Sikh Golden Temple in Amritsar (June 6).
  • Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi assassinated by two Sikh bodyguards; 1,000 killed in anti-Sikh riots; son Rajiv succeeds her (Oct. 31).
  • Toxic gas leaks from Union Carbide plant in Bhopal, India, killing 2,000 and injuring 150,000 (Dec. 3).

Birthday Ong Chu Hang Hieu (31-7) in history

  • Day 31-7 year 1498: The explorer Columbus arrived on the island of Trinidad.
  • Day 31-7 year 1777: The Marquis de Lafayette became a major-general in the American Continental Army.
  • Day 31-7 year 1790: The first U.S. patent was issued to Samuel Hopkins of Vermont for a process of making fertilizer.
  • Day 31-7 year 1875: Andrew Johnson, the 17th president of the United States, died in Tennessee.
  • Day 31-7 year 1954: Mount Godwin-Austen (K2), the world's second-highest peak, was climbed for the first time, by an Italian team led by Ardito Desio.
  • Day 31-7 year 1964: The U.S. space probe Ranger 7 transmitted pictures of the Moon’s surface.
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Note about Only Toker Ong Chu Hang Hieu

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