Painter Tran Thien Quang (Wang)


Tran Thien Quang (Wang)

Living place: Ho Chi Minh

Birthday: 13-3-1995 (29 years old)

Population of Vietnam 1995: 72 millions

Global rank: #85554



Phone number: 0933 341 102

Painter Tran Thien Quang (Wang) profile

Who is Painter Tran Thien Quang (Wang)?
Tran Thien Quang (Wang) was born in 1995, graduated in Fashion Design - Faculty of Architecture - Fine Arts, Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology. HCM. Thien Quang is a prominent face when she was still in school with good academic achievements and union activities. pole.
In particular, he once caused a fever in the online community with his "unbelievably beautiful" celebrity paintings. Thu Minh, Ho Ngoc Ha, Vo Hoang Yen, Thanh Hang, Thuy Van… once appeared vividly through Thien Quang's hand. This young man was also thanked and loved by these same stars.
Thien Quang confided: “I used to paint celebrity portraits out of admiration. surname. The love of the artists for my works is the motivation for me to continue creating. The most important thing in a divine painting is to capture the character's emotions and charisma through brush strokes. The eyes in the divine paintings are considered to be the distinctive highlight of this painting genre.”
A passion for art from a young age along with the support of his family are the factors that help this young man. "pocket" for yourself many remarkable achievements. Thien Quang once entered the Top 15 of the national costume design contest for the representative of Vietnam at Miss Universe, with the work Trung Nu Vuong, Top 15 Kim May Fashion Show, 2nd Prize of the National Singing Arirang, 3rd Prize in Green Drawing, 3rd in Green Palm…
Currently, 9X is pursuing and is currently working as a fashion illustration (fashion illustration) . As a beauty enthusiast, Thien Quang always tries to learn and seize opportunities. The 9x Saigon boy often draws fashion illustrations for domestic and foreign brands.
Nguyen Thien Quang once had the opportunity to "shake hands" with famous designers like Chung Thanh Phong, Tang Thanh Cong, stylist Le Minh Ngoc to “brands” like Ivan Tran, Calla Bridal, Hacchic Bridal (The Face 2017 wedding dress sponsor) , Vietjet Air, Yamaha…
Most recently, 4 designs illustrated by Thien Quang excellently entered the Top 32 of the National Costume Design Contest for the United States. Queen Khanh Van at Miss Univers.
In the future, Thien Quang will focus on the field of fashion illustrating and illustrating, and teaching and imparting more experience and knowledge to those who have passion. love the field of Fashion illustration.

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Summary of Tran Thien Quang (Wang) profile

When was Painter Tran Thien Quang (Wang) born?
Tran Thien Quang (Wang) birthday 13-3-1995 (at the age of 29).
Where is Painter Tran Thien Quang (Wang)'s birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Tran Thien Quang (Wang) was born in Ho Chi Minh, of Vietnam. Mr, whose Zodiac is Pisces, and who Chinese Zodiac is The Pig. Tran Thien Quang (Wang)'s global rank is 85554 and whose rank is 393 in list of famous Painter. Population of Vietnam in 1995 is about 72 millions persons.
Celebrities born in:

Photos/ Images

Portrait of talented painter Tran Thien Quang

Thien Quang once caused a fever in the online community with his paintings of famous people

Thanh Hang under the brush strokes of Thien Quang

Thien Quang and his works.

Tran Thien Quang (Wang) ranking


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Events in 1995 and 13-3

Events in the world in the birth year of Tran Thien Quang (Wang)

  • US rescues Mexico's economy with $20-billion aid program (Feb. 21).
  • Russian space station Mir greets first Americans (March 14). US shuttle docks with station (June 27).
  • Nerve gas attack in Tokyo subway kills eight and injures thousands. The Aum Shinrikyo ("Supreme Truth") cult is to blame (March 20). Background: International Terrorism
  • Death toll 2,000 in Rwanda massacre (April 22).
  • Fighting escalates in Bosnia and Croatia (May 1). Warring parties agree on cease-fire (Oct. 5); sign peace treaty (Dec. 14).
  • France explodes nuclear device in Pacific; wide protests ensue (Sept. 5). Background: nuclear weapons
  • Israelis and Palestinians agree on transferring West Bank to Arabs (Sept. 24). Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin slain by Jewish extremist at peace rally (Nov. 4).

Birthday Tran Thien Quang (Wang) (13-3) in history

  • Day 13-3 year 1639: Cambridge College is officially renamed Harvard University.
  • Day 13-3 year 1781: British-German astronomer, Sir William Herschel, discovered Uranus.
  • Day 13-3 year 1852: "Uncle Sam" cartoon appeared for the first time in N.Y. Lantern weekly.
  • Day 13-3 year 1868: The Senate began President Andrew Johnson's impeachment trial.
  • Day 13-3 year 1906: Suffragist Susan B. Anthony died.
  • Day 13-3 year 1925: Tennessee passed a bill prohibiting the teaching of evolution in public schools.
  • Day 13-3 year 1930: Clyde W. Tombaugh announced the discovery of the planet Pluto.
  • Day 13-3 year 1972: Britain and China resumed full diplomatic relations after 22 years; Britain withdrew its consulate from Taiwan.
  • Day 13-3 year 1996: A man shot dead 16 children and a woman teacher in a school in Dunblane, Scotland. He then shot himself.
  • Day 13-3 year 2012: The Encyclopaedia Britannica discontinued its print edition after 244 years.
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Note about Painter Tran Thien Quang (Wang)

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