Poet Tung Thien Vuong

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Tung Thien Vuong

Living place: Thua Thien Hue

Birthday: 11-12-1819

Global rank: #77695

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Poet Tung Thien Vuong profile

Who is Poet Tung Thien Vuong?
Tung Thien Vuong is Thuong Son, nicknamed Bach Hao Tu, is the 10th son of King Minh Mang. He was a famous poet in the Nguyen Dynasty. In 1878, he was awarded the title of Tung Thien District Vuong by King Tu Duc. In 1929, King Bao Dai conferred the title Tung Thien Vuong on him.
During his writing career, he left behind many beautiful works, of which the most famous work is Thuong Son's poetry collection, consisting of 2,200 poems divided into 8 volumes. Other well-known works are: Thuong Son from the volume, Thuong Son thi dialogue, Thuong Son foreign volume, Thuong Son van di v. v...
Tung Thien Vuong composed in many genres such as: onions, knives, exclamations, words... His poems have simple grammar, profound meanings, and are highly realistic. His poetry also contains the spirit of patriotism, love for the people, wholeheartedly for friends. Some typical works such as: "Phu Luu Tien", "Mai Bamboo Dao", "Kim Ho Than", "The Tiger Word"…
In his poetry, he expressed the sobbing about the country, the oppression, harassment and exploitation of the upper classes; People are still suffering from hunger and have been displaced due to natural disasters such as floods and droughts for many years, such as the following articles: "Nam Dinh a> Hai Dat", "Thuy, Luu Dan lament", "Tong Luong Tu", "Mai chi y", "Van, Control melancholy", "Tue Tomb wearing a cloud of the night practice", "Compassionate"..

Young / Before famous

When he was 7 years old, Mien Tham and his children entered the Duong Chinh Duong Duong, where he was carefully taught by teacher Than Van Quyen. He studied very hard, so at the age of 8, while he was attending the Nam Giao ceremony with the king, he did the Nam Giao exam, which was appreciated by many people.
In 1839, he was ordained as Tung Quoc Cong, opened a government in Liem Nang ward, on the bank of An Cuu river, Hue.
In 1849, he added Tieu Vien after the palace, welcomed his mother (Thuc Tan Nguyen Thi Buu) and three younger sisters (Nguyen Phuc Vinh Trinh, Nguyen Phuc Trinh Than, female scholar Mai Am and Nguyen Phuc Tinh Hoa) to take care of him. . When the children got married one by one, then their mother died, he renovated the main government to make a church, while I retired to Tieu Vien and set up a thatched tent next to my mother's grave to mourn for three years.
In 1858, he bought 12 model of a field in Duong Xuan commune, making a house called Phuong Thon Thao Duong.
Later, because of the incident that he was cut off for 8 years, he went to the ruined ancient Tu Lam temple in Duong Xuan commune as a residence. reside.

Close relationship

Who is Girl friend/ wife/ darling Poet Tung Thien Vuong?
He is the 10th son of King Minh Mang, and the younger brother of King Thieu Tri

Body measurements of

How tall is Poet Tung Thien Vuong? What Tung Thien Vuong's weight?
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Summary of Tung Thien Vuong profile

When was Poet Tung Thien Vuong born?
Tung Thien Vuong was born in 11-12-1819, death day is 30/04/1870, at the age of 51.
Where is Poet Tung Thien Vuong's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Tung Thien Vuong was born in Thua Thien Hue, of Vietnam. Mr, whose Zodiac is Sagittarius, and who Chinese Zodiac is The Cat. Tung Thien Vuong's global rank is 77695 and whose rank is 738 in list of famous Poet.
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Photos/ Images

Portrait of Poet Tung Thien Vuong
Portrait of Poet Tung Thien Vuong
A photo of Tung Thien Vuong- Famous poet Thua Thien Hue- Vietnam
A photo of Tung Thien Vuong- Famous poet Thua Thien Hue- Vietnam

Tung Thien Vuong ranking


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Events in 1819 and 11-12

Birthday Tung Thien Vuong (11-12) in history

  • Day 11-12 year 1816: Indiana became the 19th state.
  • Day 11-12 year 1844: Nitrous oxide was used for the first time in dentistry.
  • Day 11-12 year 1936: King Edward VIII abdicated the throne of Britain for the woman he loved, Mrs. Wallis Simpson.
  • Day 11-12 year 1941: Germany and Italy declared war on the United States.
  • Day 11-12 year 1946: The United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF) was established.
  • Day 11-12 year 1994: Russian troups invaded Chechnya in an unsuccessful attempt to restore Moscow's power in the region.
  • Day 11-12 year 1997: Housing secretary Henry Cisneros was indicted for conspiracy, obstructing justice, and false statements to the FBI.
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Note about Poet Tung Thien Vuong

Tung Thien Vuong infomation and profile updated by nguoinoitieng.tv.