Politicians Asif Ali Zardari

Asif Ali Zardari

Living place: Karachi

Birthday: 26-7-1955 (69 years old)

Population of the world 1955: 2.780 billions

Global rank: #20802

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Politicians Asif Ali Zardari profile

Who is Politicians Asif Ali Zardari?
President of Pakistan from 2008 to 2013 was the first democratically elected president of Pakistan to complete a five-year term. He was also a Gentleman Before Pakistan when his wife, Mrs. government in 1993.
As President, Mr. Zardari he was a steadfastly strong US ally in the war in Afghanistan and in 2008 he obtained a multi-three-billion dollar loan package from the Money Fund. international currency to help your country.

Young / Before famous

He graduated from Cadet College, Petro in 1972.

Family life info

His father owned Bambino, a famous cinema in Karachi and he had three children with his wife Benazir Bhutto.

Close relationship

Boy (girl) friend/ wife (husband)/ darling Politicians Asif Ali Zardari là ai?
His wife, Benazir Bhutto, was Prime Minister of Pakistan twice and was assassinated in 2007.

Body measurements of

How tall is Politicians Asif Ali Zardari? What Asif Ali Zardari's weight?
Height: updating
Weight: updating
Measurements: updating

Summary of Asif Ali Zardari profile

When was Politicians Asif Ali Zardari born?
Asif Ali Zardari birthday 26-7-1955 (at the age of 69).
Where is Politicians Asif Ali Zardari's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Asif Ali Zardari was born in Karachi, of Pakistan. Là Politicians, whose Zodiac is Leo, and who Chinese Zodiac is The Goat. Asif Ali Zardari's global rank is 20802 and whose rank is 121 in list of famous Politicians. Population of the world in 1955 is about 2.780 billions persons.
Celebrities born in:

Events in 1955 and 26-7

Events in the world in the birth year of Asif Ali Zardari

  • Nikolai A. Bulganin becomes Soviet premier, replacing Malenkov (Feb. 8). Background: Rulers of Russia since 1533
  • Churchill resigns (April 5); Anthony Eden succeeds him (April 6).
  • Federal Republic of West Germany becomes a sovereign state (May 5).
  • The Soviet Union and seven East European countries sign the Warsaw Pact, a mutual defense treaty (May 14).
  • Argentina ousts dictator Juan Perón (Sept. 19).
  • US starts sending $216 million in aid to Vietnam.
  • The US, UK, USSR, and France meet at a summit in Geneva.

Birthday Asif Ali Zardari (26-7) in history

  • Day 26-7 year 1788: New York became the 11th state in the United States.
  • Day 26-7 year 1847: Liberia became Africa's first republic.
  • Day 26-7 year 1908: The Office of the Chief Examiner, which in 1935 became the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), was created.
  • Day 26-7 year 1947: President Harry S Truman signed the National Security Act, creating the Department of Defense, the National Security Council, the Central Intelligence Agency, and the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
  • Day 26-7 year 1952: King Farouk I of Egypt abdicated after a coup led by Gamal Abdal Nasser.
  • Day 26-7 year 1953: Fidel Castro was among a group of rebelling anti-Batistas who unsuccessfully attacked an army barracks.
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Note about Politicians Asif Ali Zardari

Asif Ali Zardari infomation and profile updated by nguoinoitieng.tv.