Youtuber Van Toan

Image of Van Toan #

Van Toan

Living place: United States

Birthday: ?-?-1996 (28 years old)

Population of the world 1996: 5.760 billions

Global rank: #18373


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Youtuber Van Toan profile

Who is Youtuber Van Toan?
Van Toan - a young man of Vietnamese origin spontaneously plays the piano in public places (airports, supermarkets, restaurants... ) attracting hundreds of millions of views. He is praised as a talented artist, with great emotional performance. Van Toan's piano songs have made millions of people's hearts sob even when performing in public places. From there, we see that music is not far away, music is the common voice of humanity and is always present in each of us.
Currently, Van Toan's Youtube channel has more than 6 million subscribers. This is an impressive number for a Youtuber and a street artist. On Van Toan's Youtube channel, there are many videos of impromptu collaborations with other street artists. When the young man played, someone came to sing with him, and someone joined him to play the guitar. Even though they didn't practice in advance, the artists still coordinated well with each other, attracting the attention of those around them.
Watching the videos Van Toan posted, many people were impressed with his confidence, practice as well as the great music he brought. The most outstanding song is "Carol of the bell", where Van Toan spontaneously played the piano in the store with a 9-year-old violinist, attracting 270 million views in just 5 days. The two brothers' melodious performance attracted the attention of many people present in the store at that time. Her talent shocked everyone. Everyone was excited when the little girl was only 9 years old and could play the piano skillfully. Many people in the store took out their phones to record this impressive moment of the two brothers.
Van Toan can not only play the songs he has practiced before, but also the songs he has heard for the first time; This talented guy can still produce covers that are better than distilled water. In many videos, we can see someone asking Van Toan if he can play this or that song. The guy always happily accepted. There is a piece of music whose melody I don't know, Van Toan asked to listen to it from the requester's phone. A few minutes later, he could play as requested.
Van Toan's talent helped him appear on foreign television channels. Currently, he just moved to Los Angeles.

Close relationship

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Body measurements of

How tall is Youtuber Van Toan? What Van Toan's weight?
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Summary of Van Toan profile

When was Youtuber Van Toan born?
Van Toan birthday ?-?-1996 (at the age of 28).
Where is Youtuber Van Toan's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Van Toan was born in Vietnam. Mr working and living in United States, United States. Mr, whose Zodiac is (don't know), and who Chinese Zodiac is The Rat. Van Toan's global rank is 18373 and whose rank is 154 in list of famous Youtuber. Population of the world in 1996 is about 5.760 billions persons.
Celebrities born in:

Photos/ Images

Youtuber Van Toan spontaneously plays the piano in public attracting millions of views
Youtuber Van Toan spontaneously plays the piano in public attracting millions of views
Youtuber Van Toan is a talented artist
Youtuber Van Toan is a talented artist
Youtuber Van Toan impresses with his skillful piano playing ability
Youtuber Van Toan impresses with his skillful piano playing ability

Van Toan ranking


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Events in 1996 and 31-2

Events in the world in the birth year of Van Toan

  • Chechens capture 2,000 Russians (Jan. 9). Chechnya peace treaty signed (May 27).
  • France agrees to end nuclear testing (Jan. 29). Background: nuclear disarmament
  • Britain alarmed by an outbreak of "mad cow" disease (March 20 et seq.).
  • UN tribunal charges war crimes by Bosnian Muslims and Croats (March 22). Nations pledge $1.23 billion in aid to rebuild Bosnia (April 22).
  • South Africa gets new constitution (May 8).
  • Israel elects Benjamin Netanyahu as prime minister (May 31).
  • Iraqis strike at Kurdish enclave (Aug. 31); after warning, US attacks Iraq's southern air defenses (Sept. 2–3).
  • Militant Taliban leaders seize Afghan capital of Kabul (Sept. 27).
  • Ethnic violence breaks out in Zairian refugee camps (Oct. 13); Clinton approves plan for UN-backed relief mission for 1.2 million Hutu refugees starving in eastern Zaire (Nov. 13). Hundreds of thousands return to Rwanda (Nov. 15–18).
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Note about Youtuber Van Toan

Van Toan infomation and profile updated by