Country singer Rodney Atkins

Rodney Atkins

Living place: Knoxville

Birthday: 28-3-1969 (55 years old)

Population of US 1969: 202,676,946

Global rank: #14836

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Country singer Rodney Atkins profile

Who is Country singer Rodney Atkins?
The singer released the hit song "Farmer's Daughter", which was released in 2009 on the album That's America.
He signed a recording contract with Record Curb.

Young / Before famous

He attended Tennessee Tech. He began writing songs and connecting with other musicians while in college.

Family life info

He has one child with ex-wife Tammy Jo McDonald. He accepted his wife's daughter from a previous marriage. After a messy domestic abuse accusation and divorce, he married Rose Falcon.

Close relationship

Who is Boy (girl) friend/ wife (husband)/ darling Country singer Rodney Atkins?
He sang "He's Mine", a song that was intended for Billy Ray Cyrus.

Body measurements of

How tall is Country singer Rodney Atkins? What Rodney Atkins's weight?
Height: updating
Weight: updating
Measurements: updating

Summary of Rodney Atkins profile

When was Country singer Rodney Atkins born?
Rodney Atkins birthday 28-3-1969 (at the age of 55).
Where is Country singer Rodney Atkins's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Rodney Atkins was born in Knoxville, Tennessee- United States. is a Country singer, whose Zodiac is Aries, and who Chinese Zodiac is The Rooster. Rodney Atkins's global rank is 14836 and whose rank is 90 in list of famous Country singer. Population of US in 1969 is about 202,676,946 persons.
Celebrities born in:

Photos/ Images

Country Singer Portrait Rodney Atkins
Country Singer Portrait Rodney Atkins
A New Photo Of Rodney Atkins- Famous Country Singer Knoxville- Tennessee
A New Photo Of Rodney Atkins- Famous Country Singer Knoxville- Tennessee
Latest Picture Of Country Singer Rodney Atkins
Latest Picture Of Country Singer Rodney Atkins
A Portrait Picture Of Singer Country music Rodney Atkins
A Portrait Picture Of Singer Country music Rodney Atkins
Portrait of Rodney Atkins
Portrait of Rodney Atkins

Rodney Atkins ranking


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Events in 1969 and 28-3

Events in US in the birth year of Rodney Atkins

  • Richard M. Nixon is inaugurated 37th President of the US (Jan. 20).
  • Stonewall riot in New York City marks beginning of gay rights movement (June 28).
  • Sen. Edward M. Kennedy pleads guilty to leaving scene of fatal accident at Chappaquiddick, Mass. (July 18) in which Mary Jo Kopechne was drowned—gets two-month suspended sentence (July 25). Background: Timeline of Kennedy tragedies
  • Apollo 11 astronauts—Neil A. Armstrong and Edwin E. Aldrin, Jr., —take first walk on the Moon (July 20).

Birthday Rodney Atkins (28-3) in history

  • Day 28-3 year 1797: Nathaniel Briggs patented a washing machine.
  • Day 28-3 year 1930: The cities of Constantinople and Angora changed names to Istanbul and Ankara, Turkey.
  • Day 28-3 year 1939: The Spanish Civil War ended.
  • Day 28-3 year 1941: Author Virginia Woolf drowned herself.
  • Day 28-3 year 1979: Nuclear power plant accident at Three Mile Island, near Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.
  • Day 28-3 year 2000: Supreme Court rules unanimously that an anonymous tip does not justify a stop-and-frisk action against a person.
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Note about Country singer Rodney Atkins

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