Directors Nguyen Thanh Nam

Nguyen Thanh Nam

Living place: Ho Chi Minh

Birthday: ?-?-1982 (42 years old)

Population of Vietnam 1982: 55,69 millions

Global rank: #90682



Phone number: 0903 365 066

Directors Nguyen Thanh Nam profile

Who is Directors Nguyen Thanh Nam?
Nguyen Thanh Nam is a famous and talented director in Vietnamese cinema. He was once known to the audience as an actor, assistant director, deputy director, studio secretary, cameraman, photographer... and the ex-husband of a supermodel Xuan Lan. But few people know that he is also a photographer and a painter.
He graduated from the K24 Acting Department at the University of Theater and Cinema Ho Chi Minh City. After graduating in 2013, he had the opportunity to co-direct the drama "Unfortunate" with director Xuan Cuong . In 2016, he collaborated with director Tran Ngoc Giau in the action-comedy movie "Tía I'm a master". In 2019, after graduating from the 1st class of the University of Film Directing, he began to have opportunities with many big films such as: Cactus Crown, Red Pepper, Coming Home for Tet, Zombie Island, Ben zombie ferry, Lady Thu and the three delinquents, Invisible Little Three
Besides being a director, he is also an excellent actor, he has appeared in many famous films such as: Vortex of love, Hidden pain, Kaleidoscope, Magical family, King of the pitch, Passion, Waiting sea, Liberation of Saigon, Curse of sapphire, 48h showdown,... Nguyen Thanh Nam plastic film Taking on the first leading role in "Waiting Sea" directed by Tran Ngoc Phong.
In addition to being a director and actor, Nguyen Thanh Nam is also passionate about photography. Every time he goes to film, he brings his beloved camera to take pictures of the places he has visited. His first photos were criticized so much by people in the industry that he began to feel discouraged and was about to quit. But then he decided to find a teacher to "study religion". The first teacher was veteran photographer Thai Ngoc Son. Having Mr. Son teach and introduce him to many photographers in the profession gave him the opportunity to learn and develop. From then on, he followed his own path, taking pictures of scenes that moved him, only taking pictures when he felt the emotion.
After studying photography, he wanted to pick up a paintbrush. He just went online to learn and found something he didn't understand, so he turned to teacher Thai Ngoc Son. Every day he sat down and watched the video, drawing and drawing until finally he succeeded. and his photos and paintings have all appeared in the exhibition "Silence" with the hope that viewers will take a moment to calm their souls, to have moments of serenity and peace. to forget the chaos and chaos of life. In the exhibition, there are many famous artists such as veteran photographer and musician Thai Ngoc Son, People's Artist Tran Ngoc Giau, photographer Dinh Duy Be, photographer Do Duy Ngoc, journalist Lu Dac Long... and the hosting of two beautiful MCs: Meritorious Artist - Runner-up Trinh Kim Chi and Meritorious Artist Hanh Thuy. The event also attracted many prestigious names of the Vietnam cinema industry such as Meritorious Artist Dam Loan, Meritorious Artist Huu Chau, Hoang Meo, Quoc Thuan, Tiet Cuong, Kieu Minh Tuan, Thien Thuy , runner-up Anh Nguyet... with directors: Tran Ngoc Phong, Minh Cao, Nguyen Duy Vo Ngoc, Nhat Trung, Dong Dang Giao, Vo Thanh Hoa.

Family life info

Nguyen Thanh Nam was once married to supermodel Xuan Lan, but due to incompatible personalities, the two broke up soon after. After 10 years of separation, in 2019 he married Hoang Yen, born in 1989 and a salesperson at the airport. Nguyen Thanh Nam and his wife have a son. The baby's name at home is Pom, birth name Nguyen Thien Dang.

Close relationship

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Body measurements of

How tall is Directors Nguyen Thanh Nam? What Nguyen Thanh Nam's weight?
Height: updating
Weight: updating
Measurements: updating

Summary of Nguyen Thanh Nam profile

When was Directors Nguyen Thanh Nam born?
Nguyen Thanh Nam birthday ?-?-1982 (at the age of 42).
Where is Directors Nguyen Thanh Nam's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Nguyen Thanh Nam was born in Ho Chi Minh, of Vietnam. Mr, whose Zodiac is (don't know), and who Chinese Zodiac is The Dog. Nguyen Thanh Nam's global rank is 90682 and whose rank is 162 in list of famous Directors. Population of Vietnam in 1982 is about 55,69 millions persons.
Celebrities born in:

Photos/ Images

Image of director Nguyen Thanh Nam
Image of director Nguyen Thanh Nam
 Image of director Nguyen Thanh Nam with his small family
Image of director Nguyen Thanh Nam with his small family
 Image of director Nguyen Thanh Nam releasing a new film
Image of director Nguyen Thanh Nam releasing a new film

Nguyen Thanh Nam ranking


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Events in 1982 and 31-2

Events in the world in the birth year of Nguyen Thanh Nam

  • British overcome Argentina in Falklands war (April 2-June 15).
  • Israel invades Lebanon in attack on PLO. (June 4). Background: Arab-Israeli Wars
  • Princess Grace, 52, dies of injuries when car plunges off mountain road; daughter Stephanie, 17, suffers serious injuries (Sept. 14).
  • Lebanese Christian Phalangists kill hundreds of people in two Palestinian refugee camps in West Beirut (Sept. 15).
  • Leonid I. Brezhnev, Soviet leader, dies at 75 (Nov. 10). Yuri V. Andropov, 68, chosen as successor (Nov. 15). Background: Rulers of Russia since 1533
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