Doctor Vu Ngoc Son (Drson1991)

Vu Ngoc Son (Drson1991)

Living place: Vietnam

Birthday: 13-3-1991 (33 years old)

Population of the world 1991: 5.359 billions

Global rank: #30



Phone number: 0961 866 868

Doctor Vu Ngoc Son (Drson1991) profile

Who is Doctor Vu Ngoc Son (Drson1991)?
Doctor Vu Ngoc Son (Drson1991) is the Vietnamese with the most followers on Instagram (16 million). The number of people following Dr. Son is so "huge" that it is twice singer Son Tung M-TP (7.6 million) and far surpasses many other famous names of Vbiz such as Chi Pu, Tran Thanh... In the future, the number of people following Dr. Vu Ngoc Son will certainly be even higher.
In the last 30 days , the number of people following the doctor increased rapidly (more than 2.5 million people). Also during this time, the channel posted 93 videos (mainly short videos, 3 videos/day) attracting millions of views. The rapid and impressive growth of the "drson1991" account is rated A rank by SocialBlade - the highest level of this data site. Meanwhile, Son Tung M-TP's account only achieved rank B+.
Not only Instagram, but Dr. Vu Ngoc Son also owns many other million-follower social network accounts such as: TikTok channel near 8 million followers, Fanpage more than 4.9 million followers, Youtube channel more than 2.3 million subscribers. These impressive numbers make Vbiz's top stars dream. Many people are extremely surprised that chiropractors have such great appeal.
In particular, the number of followers of Dr. Vu Ngoc Son are all real people because of the equal number of interactions and comments with content (unlike bots). Doctor Son also reaches many international users by adding English subtitles to all videos. The content of exercise instruction videos is also carefully invested and meticulously cared for by doctors. Dr. Son's exercises to treat spinal nerve problems receive a "huge" amount of interaction.
Doctor Son is the owner of the Health Care Center Ngoc Son. Whether Dr. Son's exercise method is professional or not requires further evaluation from experts. But currently, videos of "social network traffickers" are still widely spread on social networks. Many people left comments because of the unexpected training effect.
Nguyoinoitieng. tv wishes Dr. Vu Ngoc Son more and more success in work and life!

Close relationship

Who is Girl friend/ wife/ darling Doctor Vu Ngoc Son (Drson1991)?

Body measurements of

How tall is Doctor Vu Ngoc Son (Drson1991)? What Vu Ngoc Son (Drson1991)'s weight?
Height: updating
Weight: updating
Measurements: updating

Summary of Vu Ngoc Son (Drson1991) profile

When was Doctor Vu Ngoc Son (Drson1991) born?
Vu Ngoc Son (Drson1991) birthday 13-3-1991 (at the age of 33).
Where is Doctor Vu Ngoc Son (Drson1991)'s birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Vu Ngoc Son (Drson1991) was born in Vietnam. Mr, whose Zodiac is Pisces, and who Chinese Zodiac is The Goat. Vu Ngoc Son (Drson1991)'s global rank is 30 and whose rank is 1 in list of famous Doctor. Population of the world in 1991 is about 5.359 billions persons.
Celebrities born in:

Photos/ Images

Doctor Vu Ngoc Son (Drson1991) is the Vietnamese with the most followers on Instagram
Doctor Vu Ngoc Son (Drson1991) is the Vietnamese with the most followers on Instagram
Doctor Vu Ngoc Son (Drson1991) treats bones and joints
Doctor Vu Ngoc Son (Drson1991) treats bones and joints
Daily life images of Doctor Vu Ngoc Son (Drson1991)
Daily life images of Doctor Vu Ngoc Son (Drson1991)

Vu Ngoc Son (Drson1991) ranking


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Events in 1991 and 13-3

Events in the world in the birth year of Vu Ngoc Son (Drson1991)

  • Cease-fire ends Persian Gulf War (April 3); UN forces are victorious. Background: The Persian Gulf War
  • Europeans end sanctions on South Africa (April 15). South African Parliament repeals apartheid laws (June 5).
  • France agrees to sign 1968 treaty banning spread of atomic weapons (June 3). China accepts nuclear nonproliferation treaty (Aug. 10). Bush-Gorbachev summit negotiates strategic arms reduction treaty (July 31).
  • Communist Government of Albania resigns (June 4).
  • Warsaw Pact dissolved (July 1).
  • Boris Yeltsin becomes first freely elected president of Russian Republic (July 10). Yeltsin's stock increases when he takes a prominent role in suppressing an anti-Gorbachev coup by communist hardliners (Aug. 18-22). Background: Rulers of Russia since 1533
  • Lithuania, Estonia, and Latvia win independence from USSR (Aug. 25); US recognizes them (Sept. 2).
  • Haitian troops seize president in uprising (Sept. 30). US suspends assistance to Haiti (Oct. 1).
  • US indicts two Libyans in 1988 bombing of Pan Am Flight 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland (Nov. 15).
  • Soviet Union breaks up after President Gorbachev's resignation; constituent republics form Commonwealth of Independent States (Dec. 25). Background: Dissolution of the USSR

Birthday Vu Ngoc Son (Drson1991) (13-3) in history

  • Day 13-3 year 1639: Cambridge College is officially renamed Harvard University.
  • Day 13-3 year 1781: British-German astronomer, Sir William Herschel, discovered Uranus.
  • Day 13-3 year 1852: "Uncle Sam" cartoon appeared for the first time in N.Y. Lantern weekly.
  • Day 13-3 year 1868: The Senate began President Andrew Johnson's impeachment trial.
  • Day 13-3 year 1906: Suffragist Susan B. Anthony died.
  • Day 13-3 year 1925: Tennessee passed a bill prohibiting the teaching of evolution in public schools.
  • Day 13-3 year 1930: Clyde W. Tombaugh announced the discovery of the planet Pluto.
  • Day 13-3 year 1972: Britain and China resumed full diplomatic relations after 22 years; Britain withdrew its consulate from Taiwan.
  • Day 13-3 year 1996: A man shot dead 16 children and a woman teacher in a school in Dunblane, Scotland. He then shot himself.
  • Day 13-3 year 2012: The Encyclopaedia Britannica discontinued its print edition after 244 years.
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Note about Doctor Vu Ngoc Son (Drson1991)

Vu Ngoc Son (Drson1991) infomation and profile updated by