TV show Thien Duong Am Thuc

Thien Duong Am Thuc

Working place: Ho Chi Minh

Founding day: 19-7-2015 (9 years old)

Population of Vietnam 2015: 92 millions

Global rank: #244


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TV show Thien Duong Am Thuc profile

Who is TV show Thien Duong Am Thuc?
TV program "Food Paradise" produced by HTV7 Ho Chi Minh City Television in collaboration with Dien Quan Entertainment Company. "Food Paradise" is a TV program with the theme of Vietnamese cuisine produced based on the format The King of Food of KBS World Television, Korea. The MC of the program - also known as Mr. Hoang Hanh Phuc is none other than MC Truong Giang. According to a recent rating research report by TAM neilsen (quantitative measurement system for Vietnamese television audiences), Food Paradise is one of the programs in the top 5 hottest programs of Thanh Hoa television. Ho Chi Minh current.
If all other programs have the same If one color is singing, "Food Paradise" seems to go against a different nature: exploiting the culinary field. The rules of the program are quite simple, each number of the program includes 3 challenges. The winning team is the team that overcomes the challenge of the program and will enter the party with Mr. Hoang Hanh Phuc before the regret of the opposing team. After finishing 3 challenges, the teams also have the opportunity to enjoy delicious cakes from all over the country in the Vietnamese Cake section.
15 episodes - 15 topic, the program gives the audience a lot of knowledge about ingredients suitable for health needs, unique cooking secrets such as processing brain-healthy dishes, dishes that help prolong life... The special feature of the program is that this information comes from culinary experts and famous chefs such as chef Jack Lee - Culinary expert of Hollywood stars, chef Thai Bao - Champion of the Golden Spoon. Guests in each episode are famous artists in many fields, interested and admired by young people like Hoang Thuy, Hoang Yen Chibi, Phan Y Yen, Ninh Duong Lan Ngoc, Nha Truc, S. T (365), Kathy Uyen. … Through the program, viewers will have a new, interesting and authentic view of famous people when they can't resist the attraction of dishes that have to reveal their "nature" .
The program consists of 15 episodes, airing at 8pm every Sunday on channel HTV7, from July 19, 2015.

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Summary of Thien Duong Am Thuc profile

When was TV show Thien Duong Am Thuc born?
Thien Duong Am Thuc founding day 19-7-2015 (at the age of 9).
Where is TV show Thien Duong Am Thuc's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Thien Duong Am Thuc was born in Ho Chi Minh, of Vietnam. is a TV show, whose Zodiac is Cancer, and who Chinese Zodiac is The Goat. Thien Duong Am Thuc's global rank is 244 and whose rank is 16 in list of famous TV show. Population of Vietnam in 2015 is about 92 millions persons.
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Chuong trinh Thien Duong Am Thuc phat song vao luc 20h Chu Nhat hang tuan tren kenh HTV7
Chuong trinh Thien Duong Am Thuc phat song vao luc 20h Chu Nhat hang tuan tren kenh HTV7
Chuong trinh Thien Duong Am Thuc voi su dan dat cua MC Truong Giang
Chuong trinh Thien Duong Am Thuc voi su dan dat cua MC Truong Giang
Chuong trinh Thien Duong Am Thuc mang lai nhung kien thuc bo ich ve am thuc
Chuong trinh Thien Duong Am Thuc mang lai nhung kien thuc bo ich ve am thuc
Chuong trinh Thien Duong Am Thuc dem den nhung phut giay thu gian cho khan gia
Chuong trinh Thien Duong Am Thuc dem den nhung phut giay thu gian cho khan gia

Thien Duong Am Thuc ranking


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Events in 2015 and 19-7

Founding day Thien Duong Am Thuc (19-7) in history

  • Day 19-7 year 1848: The first women's rights convention, called by Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucretia C. Mott, was held in Seneca Falls, New York.
  • Day 19-7 year 1870: The Franco-Prussian war began.
  • Day 19-7 year 1941: Winston Churchill was the first to use the two-finger "V is for Victory" sign.
  • Day 19-7 year 1966: Fifty year-old singer Frank Sinatra married 21-year-old actress Mia Farrow.
  • Day 19-7 year 1984: Geraldine Ferraro became the first woman nominated for the vice-presidency by a major political party.
  • Day 19-7 year 1993: President Clinton announced the "Don't ask, don't tell" policy regarding gays in the military.
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