Violinist Hoang Rob

Hoang Rob

Living place: Ho Chi Minh

Birthday: 30-6-1991 (33 years old)

Population of Vietnam 1991: 67,24 millions

Global rank: #62300


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Violinist Hoang Rob profile

Who is Violinist Hoang Rob?
- Young Violinist Hoang Rob is known as one of the pioneering artists in Vietnam who experimented with combining electronic violin performance on modern music.
- He is also the leader of GEN9 - the only modern quartet in Vietnam.
- Originally an amateur and untrained artist in the formal music environment, but with experience in performing at many domestic and foreign stages, Hoang Rob has had the opportunity to collaborate and perform with many artists. singer: Thanh Lam, Thu Phuong, Kieu Anh, Hoang Dung, Trung Quan Idol, Phuong Thanh, Thuy Chi, Bigtoe Crew…
- Hoang is also known as an independent Violinist and pioneer in combining this scholarly instrument with modern music materials such as EDM, Electro, Hip Hop, R&B...
His albums:
  • Waiting for Me
  • First Moments of Love
  • There Are Winters
  • Hits Violin Cover (Vol 1)
  • Toxic Humidity

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Body measurements of

How tall is Violinist Hoang Rob? What Hoang Rob's weight?
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Summary of Hoang Rob profile

When was Violinist Hoang Rob born?
Hoang Rob birthday 30-6-1991 (at the age of 33).
Where is Violinist Hoang Rob's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Hoang Rob was born in Quang Binh, of Vietnam. Mr working and living in Ho Chi Minh, of Vietnam. Mr, whose Zodiac is Cancer, and who Chinese Zodiac is The Goat. Hoang Rob's global rank is 62300 and whose rank is 47 in list of famous Violinist. Population of Vietnam in 1991 is about 67,24 millions persons.
Celebrities born in:

Photos/ Images

Portrait of Violinist Hoang Rob
Portrait of Violinist Hoang Rob
A new photo of Hoang Rob- Famous Violinist Quang Binh-Vietnam
A new photo of Hoang Rob- Famous Violinist Quang Binh-Vietnam
Picture of Violinist Hoang Rob with Kieu Anh
Picture of Violinist Hoang Rob with Kieu Anh
Latest picture of Violinist Hoang Rob
Latest picture of Violinist Hoang Rob
One Portrait of Violinist Hoang Rob
One Portrait of Violinist Hoang Rob

Hoang Rob ranking


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Events in 1991 and 30-6

Events in the world in the birth year of Hoang Rob

  • Cease-fire ends Persian Gulf War (April 3); UN forces are victorious. Background: The Persian Gulf War
  • Europeans end sanctions on South Africa (April 15). South African Parliament repeals apartheid laws (June 5).
  • France agrees to sign 1968 treaty banning spread of atomic weapons (June 3). China accepts nuclear nonproliferation treaty (Aug. 10). Bush-Gorbachev summit negotiates strategic arms reduction treaty (July 31).
  • Communist Government of Albania resigns (June 4).
  • Warsaw Pact dissolved (July 1).
  • Boris Yeltsin becomes first freely elected president of Russian Republic (July 10). Yeltsin's stock increases when he takes a prominent role in suppressing an anti-Gorbachev coup by communist hardliners (Aug. 18-22). Background: Rulers of Russia since 1533
  • Lithuania, Estonia, and Latvia win independence from USSR (Aug. 25); US recognizes them (Sept. 2).
  • Haitian troops seize president in uprising (Sept. 30). US suspends assistance to Haiti (Oct. 1).
  • US indicts two Libyans in 1988 bombing of Pan Am Flight 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland (Nov. 15).
  • Soviet Union breaks up after President Gorbachev's resignation; constituent republics form Commonwealth of Independent States (Dec. 25). Background: Dissolution of the USSR

Birthday Hoang Rob (30-6) in history

  • Day 30-6 year 1859: French acrobat Charles Blondin, AKA Jean Francois Gravelet, walked across Niagara Falls on a tightrope.
  • Day 30-6 year 1908: A powerful natural explosion from an unknown cause rocked the Tunguska Basin, in eastern Siberia, flattening hundreds of square miles of forest and resulting in tremors that could be felt hundreds of miles away.
  • Day 30-6 year 1921: President Warren G. Harding appointed former president William H. Taft chief justice of the United States.
  • Day 30-6 year 1934: Adolf Hitler secured his position in the Nazi party by a "blood purge," ridding the party of other leaders such as Ernst Roehm and Kurt von Schleicher.
  • Day 30-6 year 1936: Margaret Mitchell's Gone with the Wind was published.
  • Day 30-6 year 1971: The 26th Amendment, which lowered the voting age to 18, was ratified by the states.
  • Day 30-6 year 1998: The remains of a Vietnam War serviceman buried in the Tomb of the Unknown Soldiers were identified as those of Air Force pilot Michael J. Blassie.
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Note about Violinist Hoang Rob

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