Voice actor Lauren Tom

Lauren Tom

Living place: Chicago

Birthday: 4-8-1961 (63 years old)

Population of US 1961: 183,691,481

Global rank: #25260

Email: updating

Phone number: updating

Voice actor Lauren Tom profile

Who is Voice actor Lauren Tom?
Voice actress who played Amy Wong on the hit animated comedy series Futurama and starred in The Joy Luck Club. She also played Julie on sitcom friends.
She voices the character of Minh & Connie Souphanousinphone from King of the Hill.

Young / Before famous

She started acting on stage when she was 17 years old with the company of A Line Chorus.

Family life info

She married Curt Kaplan in 1999.

Close relationship

Who is Boy (girl) friend/ wife (husband)/ darling Voice actor Lauren Tom?
She voiced Tasumi on the show The Alternative, which featured the voices of many guest stars, including Miley Cyrus.

Body measurements of

How tall is Voice actor Lauren Tom? What Lauren Tom's weight?
Height: updating
Weight: updating
Measurements: updating

Summary of Lauren Tom profile

When was Voice actor Lauren Tom born?
Lauren Tom birthday 4-8-1961 (at the age of 63).
Where is Voice actor Lauren Tom's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Lauren Tom was born in Chicago, Illinois- United States. is a Voice actor, whose Zodiac is Leo, and who Chinese Zodiac is The Ox. Lauren Tom's global rank is 25260 and whose rank is 130 in list of famous Voice actor. Population of US in 1961 is about 183,691,481 persons.
Celebrities born in:

Events in 1961 and 4-8

Events in US in the birth year of Lauren Tom

  • Robert Frost recites "The Gift Outright" at John F. Kennedy's inauguration (Jan. 20).
  • First US astronaut, Navy Cmdr. Alan B. Shepard, Jr., rockets 116.5 miles up in 302-mile trip (May 5).
  • Virgil Grissom becomes second American astronaut, making 118-mile-high, 303-mile-long rocket flight over Atlantic (July 21).

Birthday Lauren Tom (4-8) in history

  • Day 4-8 year 1735: Journalist John Peter Zenger, defended by former Pennsylvania House Speaker Andrew Hamilton, was acquitted of defamation in a case that helped promote press freedom.
  • Day 4-8 year 1884: Thomas Stevens became the first person to bicycle across the United States. He later bicycled around the world.
  • Day 4-8 year 1892: Lizzie Borden's father and stepmother were killed with an axe in Fall River, Mass.
  • Day 4-8 year 1914: Germany invaded Belgium and, in response, Britain declared war on Germany.
  • Day 4-8 year 1916: Denmark ceded the Danish West Indies, including the Danish Virgin Islands, to the United States for $25 million.
  • Day 4-8 year 1944: Anne Frank and her family were found hiding in Amsterdam by Nazis.
  • Day 4-8 year 1964: The bodies of three civil-rights workers were found in an earthen dam, six weeks into a federal investigation backed by President Johnson
  • Day 4-8 year 1977: President Carter signed a congressional act that established the Department of Energy.
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Famous people born in Chicago

Note about Voice actor Lauren Tom

Lauren Tom infomation and profile updated by nguoinoitieng.tv.