Actor Horst Buchholz

Image of Horst Buchholz #

Horst Buchholz

Living place: Germany

Birthday: 4-12-1933 (91 years old)

Global rank: #56389

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Actor Horst Buchholz profile

Who is Actor Horst Buchholz?
Most remembered for his roles in the 1960s films Fanny (as Marius), The Magnificent Seven (as Chico), and one, two, three (as Otto Ludwig Piffl), the German-born actor also appeared. in German-language films such as Nasser Asphalt and Die Halbstarken.
Late in his life, he played the role of Dr. Lessing in the Academy Award-winning film Life Is Beautiful.

Young / Before famous

He acted in his first play in 1949 and became a regular performer at the Schiller Theater Berlin. Early in his career, he also worked as a voice actor and German dubber.

Family life info

A native of East Berlin, Germany, he was raised by his mother Maria Hasenkamp and stepfather Hugo Buchholz, as well as by a foster family in Czechoslovakia (during the World War II years). His marriage to French film actress Myriam Bru resulted in two children.

Close relationship

Who is Boy (girl) friend/ wife (husband)/ darling Actor Horst Buchholz?
He and English actress Hayley Mills co-starred in the 1959 film Tiger Bay.

Body measurements of

How tall is Actor Horst Buchholz? What Horst Buchholz's weight?
Height: updating
Weight: updating
Measurements: updating

Summary of Horst Buchholz profile

When was Actor Horst Buchholz born?
Horst Buchholz birthday 4-12-1933 (at the age of 91).
Where is Actor Horst Buchholz's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Horst Buchholz was born in Germany. is a Actor, whose Zodiac is Sagittarius, and who Chinese Zodiac is The Rooster. Horst Buchholz's global rank is 56389 and whose rank is 2376 in list of famous Actor.
Celebrities born in:

Events in 1933 and 4-12

Events in the world in the birth year of Horst Buchholz

  • Reichstag fire in Berlin; Nazi terror begins (Feb. 27).
  • Hitler becomes German chancellor (Jan. 30).
  • Germany and Japan withdraw from League of Nations.

Birthday Horst Buchholz (4-12) in history

  • Day 4-12 year 1783: George Washington delivered his farewell address to his officers at Fraunces Tavern in New York City.
  • Day 4-12 year 1816: James Monroe of Virginia was elected (by electors) the fifth president of the United States.
  • Day 4-12 year 1875: William Marcy "Boss" Tweed of New York's Tammany Hall escaped from jail and fled the country.
  • Day 4-12 year 1945: The Senate approved U.S. participation in the United Nations.
  • Day 4-12 year 1978: Dianne Feinstein became San Francisco's first female mayor.
  • Day 4-12 year 1991: Associated Press correspondent Terry Anderson is released after seven years as a hostage in Lebanon.
  • Day 4-12 year 1993: Rock musician and composer Frank Zappa died at age 52.
  • Day 4-12 year 2003: Interpol put the former president of Liberia, Charles Taylor, on its most-wanted list.
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Famous people born in 4-12-1933

Note about Actor Horst Buchholz

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