Criminal Andre Crawford


Andre Crawford

Living place: Illinois

Birthday: 20-3-1962 (62 years old)

Population of US 1962: 186,537,737

Global rank: #97920

Email: updating

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Criminal Andre Crawford profile

Who is Criminal Andre Crawford?
Serial killer confessed to killing 11 women in Chicago between 1993 and 1997. He had sex with the corpses of his victims, who were often drug-addicted prostitutes.

Young / Before famous

He was physically and sexually abused by a relative who was a teenager.

Family life info

He was placed in foster care as a child.

Close relationship

Boy (girl) friend/ wife (husband)/ darling Criminal Andre Crawford là ai?
He and Jeffrey Dahmer engaged in corpses with their victims.

Body measurements of

How tall is Criminal Andre Crawford? What Andre Crawford's weight?
Height: updating
Weight: updating
Measurements: updating

Summary of Andre Crawford profile

When was Criminal Andre Crawford born?
Andre Crawford birthday 20-3-1962 (at the age of 62).
Where is Criminal Andre Crawford's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Andre Crawford was born in Illinois, . Là Criminal, whose Zodiac is Pisces, and who Chinese Zodiac is The Tiger. Andre Crawford's global rank is 97920 and whose rank is 375 in list of famous Criminal. Population of US in 1962 is about 186,537,737 persons.
Celebrities born in:

Events in 1962 and 20-3

Events in US in the birth year of Andre Crawford

  • James H. Meredith, escorted by federal marshals, registers at University of Mississippi (Oct. 1).
  • Pat Brown defeats Richard Nixon in the California gubernatorial race.

Birthday Andre Crawford (20-3) in history

  • Day 20-3 year 1602:
    Dutch East India Company was born. During its 196-year history, it has become one of the most influential companies in the world.
  • Day 20-3 year 1727: The great British scientist Sir Isaac Newton passed away in London at 84.
  • Day 20-3 year 1852: Harriet Beecher Stowe's "Uncle Tom's Cabin" was published.
  • Day 20-3 year 1969: John Lennon married Yoko Ono in Gibraltar.
  • Day 20-3 year 1985: Libby Riddles became the first woman to win the Iditarod.
  • Day 20-3 year 1990: Namibia becomes an independent nation.
  • Day 20-3 year 1995: Two members of the Japanese cult Aum Sinrikyo released poisonous gas in a Tokyo subway stop during rush hour, killing 12 people and sending over 5,000 to the hospital for treatment.
  • Day 20-3 year 1999: Bertrand Piccard and Brian Jones became the first to fly a hot-air balloon nonstop around the world.
  • Day 20-3 year 2003: Ground troops entered Iraq and a second round of air strikes against Baghdad was launched.
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Famous people born in 20-3-1962

Note about Criminal Andre Crawford

Andre Crawford infomation and profile updated by