Movie Hoa Vuong

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Hoa Vuong

Working place: Ho Chi Minh

Founding day: 17-4-2023 (1 years old)

Global rank: #11709

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Movie Hoa Vuong profile

Who is Movie Hoa Vuong?
Hoa Vuong is a drama Vietnam in the genre of psychology, love emotional with the circumstances revolving around the family turbulence and love situation. The film was released on April 17, 2023. The show's broadcast schedule is at 8 pm every Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday on VieON. This is a movie that marks the union of female actor Hong Anh and Anh Thu. In addition, the film also has the participation of the following cast: Ngoc Quynh, Otis, Tam Trieu Dang, Rima Thanh Vy, Meritorious Artist Quoc Trong, Thanh Thuy, Gin Tuan Kiet...
The content of the movie "Hoa Vuong" revolves around a fight between two ambitious, no-nonsense women. from any means to get what you want. Anh Thu (played by supermodel Anh Thu)- a beautiful but ambitious woman. She used every trick to seduce her and finally married Hai Dang. However, their marriage did not go according to the plan that she had arranged when Hai Dang's stepmother was Mrs.>Tra My (Hong Anh) also has the ambition to possess the family's massive inheritance family.
The trailer for "Hoa Vuong" has revealed the confrontation between two ambitious women with the fortune of the elite Deli corporation. Anh Thu calculated and took advantage of Hai Dang (Manh Quynh) to act as a stepping stone to progress. his plan. But all of Anh Thu's tricks could not escape Tra My's eyes, because Tra My's nature was also an ambitious wolf. She devoted all her heart and life to fighting for the right to inherit the property for her son. So the two became each other's roadblocks. Tra My and Anh Thu are two scheming, thorny roles of "Hoa Vuong". This is also the impressive return of two screen beauties Anh Thu and Hong Anh after many years of absence from the Vietnamese screen.
Tra My is the latest TV role of actress Hong Anh after the success of her role in the movie " The apple tree blooms". The difference between Hanh Lam flood in "The apple tree blooms" and Tra My's noble but calculated elegance in "Hoa Vuong" has once again proven the acting ability of screen beauty Hong Anh.

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Summary of Hoa Vuong profile

When was Movie Hoa Vuong born?
Hoa Vuong founding day 17-4-2023 (at the age of 1).
Where is Movie Hoa Vuong's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Hoa Vuong was born in Ho Chi Minh, of Vietnam. is a Movie, whose Zodiac is Aries, and who Chinese Zodiac is The Cat. Hoa Vuong's global rank is 11709 and whose rank is 80 in list of famous Movie.
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Photos/ Images

Image of Hoa Vuong movie poster
Image of Hoa Vuong movie poster
Image of Tra My character played by actor Hong Anh in Hoa Vuong movie
Image of Tra My character played by actor Hong Anh in Hoa Vuong movie
Supermodel Anh Thu transforms into a beautiful and ambitious girl in Hoa Vuong movie
Supermodel Anh Thu transforms into a beautiful and ambitious girl in Hoa Vuong movie

Hoa Vuong ranking


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Events in 2023 and 17-4

Founding day Hoa Vuong (17-4) in history

  • Day 17-4 year 1790: Benjamin Franklin, American patriot, diplomat, and signer of the Declaration of Independence, has died in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
  • Day 17-4 year 1895: The Sino-Japanese War ended with the signing of the Treaty of Shimonoseki.
  • Day 17-4 year 1937: Daffy Duck made his debut in Porky's Duck Hunt.
  • Day 17-4 year 1961: Supported by the U.S. government, 1,500 exiles made the unsuccessful Bay of Pigs invasion in Cuba.
  • Day 17-4 year 1964: Geraldine Mock became the first woman to fly solo around the world.
  • Day 17-4 year 1969: Sirhan Sirhan was convicted for the murder of Robert F. Kennedy.
  • Day 17-4 year 1970: The Apollo 13 astronauts safely splashed down after their near-disastrous flight.
  • Day 17-4 year 1975: Phnom Penh fell to the Khmer Rouge, ending the five year Cambodian war.
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