Movie Khi Ta Hai Lam

Image of Khi Ta Hai Lam #

Khi Ta Hai Lam

Working place: Ho Chi Minh

Founding day: 3-3-2023 (1 years old)

Global rank: #25544

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Movie Khi Ta Hai Lam profile

Who is Movie Khi Ta Hai Lam?
When Ta Hai Lam is a theatrical film by Vietnam. This is the first Vietnamese film to exploit the topic of boy band training. The film is directed by talented female director Luk Van, with a familiar cast: Le Duong Bao Lam, Midu, Phu Thinh, Lanh Thanh... On March 1, the work This movie has shown special screenings to serve the press. Appearing at this special screening with the participation of movie actors When Ta Hai Lam and many famous faces of the Vietnamese entertainment industry such as: Pham Hong Phuoc, Vo Dien Gia Huy, Pham Khanh Hung, Thu Trang, Ngo Kien Huy, Quang Trung.....
Artwork When I'm Twenty-five has been director Luk Van is so polite from his bloody experience when he was with The Ai group. This is an expected recklessness of filmmaker Luk Van. In the film, Tue Lam played by Midu is a young artist manager with a burning passion for her brainchild, that is The Air group. However, Tue Lam encountered a major incident that made all plans for her group delayed. She had to go to Korea to work. After returning home, Tue Lam was determined to restore the group that she had managed in her career and create a worthy debut for this group.
With a humorous film style. and muddy, Le Duong Bao Lam was suddenly assigned the leading role and paired with Midu in When I'm Two-Lam. This made both Le Duong Bao Lam and Mudu not confused and worried. Because this is also their first time working together. Midu herself said that she felt "psychological trauma" when director Luk Van announced that she would be paired with Le Duong Bao Lam on the film. As for Le Duong Bao Lam, he also admitted that he himself could not believe that director Luk Van invited him to participate in this film project and paired with Midu.

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Summary of Khi Ta Hai Lam profile

When was Movie Khi Ta Hai Lam born?
Khi Ta Hai Lam founding day 3-3-2023 (at the age of 1).
Where is Movie Khi Ta Hai Lam's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Khi Ta Hai Lam was born in Ho Chi Minh, of Vietnam. is a Movie, whose Zodiac is Pisces, and who Chinese Zodiac is The Cat. Khi Ta Hai Lam's global rank is 25544 and whose rank is 98 in list of famous Movie.
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Photos/ Images

Photos of the crew and guests attending the special screening of When Ta Twenty-five
Photos of the crew and guests attending the special screening of When Ta Twenty-five
Pictures of actors of When Ta Twenty-five
Pictures of actors of When Ta Twenty-five
Movie When Ta Twenty-five was released on March 3
Movie When Ta Twenty-five was released on March 3

Khi Ta Hai Lam ranking


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Events in 2023 and 3-3

Founding day Khi Ta Hai Lam (3-3) in history

  • Day 3-3 year 1845: Florida became the 27th state in the United States.
  • Day 3-3 year 1875: Georges Bizet's opera Carmen debuted in Paris, to cool audience reception and panned by critics.
  • Day 3-3 year 1879: Belva Ann Bennett Lockwood became the first woman lawyer to be admitted to appear before the Supreme Court of the United States.
  • Day 3-3 year 1918: Germany, Austria, and Russia signed the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk.
  • Day 3-3 year 1931: The "Star-Spangled Banner" was adopted as the national anthem.
  • Day 3-3 year 1991: Rodney King's vicious beating by Los Angeles police officers was caught on videotape.
  • Day 3-3 year 2000: Former dictator Augusto Pinochet returned to Chile after being detained in Britain on torture charges.
  • Day 3-3 year 2003: New embassies opened in Kenya and Tanzania, to replace those lost in the 1998 terrorist bombings.
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