Criminal Morris Solomon Jr.


Morris Solomon Jr.

Living place: Georgia

Birthday: 15-3-1944 (80 years old)

Population of US 1944: 138,397,345

Global rank: #100215

Email: updating

Phone number: updating

Criminal Morris Solomon Jr. profile

Who is Criminal Morris Solomon Jr.?
The serial killer killed at least six young women in the 1980s, mostly prostitutes and drug addicts.
His victims were mostly found bound and naked, and half of them were found buried on their own land a year after their deaths.

Young / Before famous

He spent much of his childhood with his maternal grandparents, who beat him daily with wires.

Family life info

He married once and gave birth to a daughter, although the marriage ended before his known victim's death.

Close relationship

Boy (girl) friend/ wife (husband)/ darling Criminal Morris Solomon Jr. là ai?
He used to live in San Francisco, where The Trailside Killer David Carpenter was active.

Body measurements of

How tall is Criminal Morris Solomon Jr.? What Morris Solomon Jr.'s weight?
Height: updating
Weight: updating
Measurements: updating

Summary of Morris Solomon Jr. profile

When was Criminal Morris Solomon Jr. born?
Morris Solomon Jr. birthday 15-3-1944 (at the age of 80).
Where is Criminal Morris Solomon Jr.'s birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Morris Solomon Jr. was born in Georgia, . Là Criminal, whose Zodiac is Pisces, and who Chinese Zodiac is The Monkey. Morris Solomon Jr.'s global rank is 100215 and whose rank is 383 in list of famous Criminal. Population of US in 1944 is about 138,397,345 persons.
Celebrities born in:

Events in 1944 and 15-3

Events in US in the birth year of Morris Solomon Jr.

  • FDR is reelected, beating Republican challenger Thomas Dewey. Background: Presidential Elections, 1789–present
  • GI Bill of Rights is passed, providing benefits for armed-service veterans.

Birthday Morris Solomon Jr. (15-3) in history

  • Day 15-3 year 44 B.C: Julius Caesar was murdered by a group of Cimber, Casca, Cassius, and Marcus led by Junius Brutus in the senate on the 74th day of the Roman calendar, "Ides of March."
  • Day 15-3 year 1493: The great Italian explorer Columbus returned to Spain after his first expedition to the Western Hemisphere.
  • Day 15-3 year 1820: Maine officially becomes the 23rd state of the United States.
  • Day 15-3 year 1917: Nicholas II, the last czar of Russia, is forced to abdicate his throne (March 2, old style calendar).
  • Day 15-3 year 1937: The first hospital blood bank in the United States was established, in Chicago, at Cook County Hospital.
  • Day 15-3 year 1965: President Lyndon Johnson asked Congress for legislation guaranteeing every American the right to vote.
  • Day 15-3 year 2003: Hu Jintao was chosen to replace Jiang Zemin as the president of China.
  • Day 15-3 year 2004: Scientists reported the discovery of Sedna, the most distant object in the solar system.
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Note about Criminal Morris Solomon Jr.

Morris Solomon Jr. infomation and profile updated by