Radio program host Glen Macnow

Glen Macnow

Living place: New York

Birthday: 23-4-1955 (69 years old)

Population of US 1955: 165,931,202

Global rank: #87715

Email: updating

Phone number: updating

Radio program host Glen Macnow profile

Who is Radio program host Glen Macnow?
He was named The Best Sports Newspaper in Philadelphia by Philadelphia Magazine while working for the Philadelphia Inquirer, and was a radio chat host on 94 WIP.
His position as a professor at the University of St. Joseph led me to be nicknamed The GS

Young / Before famous

He attended Boston University and wrote for newspapers around the country.

Family life info

He has sons named Ted and Alex.

Close relationship

Who is Boy (girl) friend/ wife (husband)/ darling Radio program host Glen Macnow?
He is an alumnus of Boston University like actress Julianne Moore.

Body measurements of

How tall is Radio program host Glen Macnow? What Glen Macnow's weight?
Height: updating
Weight: updating
Measurements: updating

Summary of Glen Macnow profile

When was Radio program host Glen Macnow born?
Glen Macnow birthday 23-4-1955 (at the age of 69).
Where is Radio program host Glen Macnow's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Glen Macnow was born in New York, . is a Radio program host, whose Zodiac is Taurus, and who Chinese Zodiac is The Goat. Glen Macnow's global rank is 87715 and whose rank is 265 in list of famous Radio program host. Population of US in 1955 is about 165,931,202 persons.
Celebrities born in:

Events in 1955 and 23-4

Events in US in the birth year of Glen Macnow

  • President Eisenhower suffers coronary thrombosis in Denver (Sept. 24).
  • Rosa Parks refuses to sit at the back of the bus, breaking Montgomery, Ala., segregated seating law (Dec. 1). Martin Luther King, Jr., leads 381-day black boycott of Montgomery bus system; desegregated service begins Dec. 21, 1956. Background: Civil Rights
  • AFL and CIO merge to become the AFL-CIO (Dec. 5).

Birthday Glen Macnow (23-4) in history

  • Day 23-4 year 1616: Great Britain's playwright William Shakespeare passed away aged 52 in Stratford-on-Avon, England.
  • Day 23-4 year 1954: Hank Aaron hit the first of his 755 home runs.
  • Day 23-4 year 1969: Sirhan Sirhan was sentenced to death (later reduced to a life sentence) for the assassination of Robert F. Kennedy.
  • Day 23-4 year 1985: Coca-Cola announced that it was changing its formula and introduced New Coke.
  • Day 23-4 year 1998: James Earl Ray, convicted of assassinating Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., died.
  • Day 23-4 year 2004: The U.S. resumed diplomatic relations with Libya.
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Other famous Radio program host

Famous people born in 23-4-1955

Note about Radio program host Glen Macnow

Glen Macnow infomation and profile updated by