New Poet Thanh Tinh

Thanh Tinh

Living place: Thua Thien Hue

Birthday: 12-12-1911

Global rank: #77911

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New Poet Thanh Tinh profile

Who is New Poet Thanh Tinh?
Poet Thanh Tinh's birth name was Tran Van Ninh, when he was 6 years old, he was changed to Tran Thanh Tinh. He used some other pseudonyms to compose such as: Thinh Khong, Pathé, Thanh Thanh, Trinh Thuan. Poet Thanh Tinh is a pioneer in the "solo form", that is, writing short, narrative essays, or referring to current and social issues. Expression is usually speaking, chanting or singing just a side...
From 1933, poet Thanh Tinh wrote articles for the newspapers Phong Hoa, Hanoi newspaper, Novel Thursday, Thanh Nghi, Tinh Hoa, Today... Also around this time, he began to compose prose, poem. His first work was the story "Fathers are buffalo, children are horses" published in Neuro magazine in 1934. In 1936, Thanh Tinh published a collection of poems "Hate battlefield".
Poet Thanh Tinh and the poem "Tired", "Three in heaven and heart", have been received by two literary critics thanh/op">Hoai Thanh- Hoai Chan introduced in the book "Vietnamese poets" in 1942. Since 1945, poet Thanh Tinh has turned to love poetry, but his works have not been written yet. really stand out.
In 1957, he joined the establishment of the Vietnam Writers' Association and became a member of the Executive Committee of the Association, term I and II. In addition, poet Thanh Tinh is also a member of the Union of Vietnamese Literature and Art Associations.
On July 17, 1988, poet Thanh Tinh died in Hanoi. Currently, his grave is located at Thien Thai mountain in the west of Hue city.
In 1951-1952, won the Vietnam Arts Association Award for those excellent solo song.
In 2007, received the State Prize for Literature and Art
In 1936, the poem "The Last Word" won the First Prize in the February Poetry Contest organized by the Hanoi newspaper. rank with poet Pham Dinh Bach.
Some of his typical works:
Hate the Battlefield (poetry, 1937)
Motherland (short story, 1941)
Sister and I (short story, 1942)
I compared to my mother's house (short story, 1943). Write for the soul Thach Lam. Printed in the collection of Giai Phong of Doi Nay in 1943.
Wormwood looking for agarwood (short story, 1943)
Purity of Life and Literature (1996)

Young / Before famous

As a child, he studied Chinese characters until the age of 11, then he studied Quoc Ngu at primary school (Dong Ba school) and high school (Pellerin school of the Catholic Church) in Hue.
He passed Thanh Chung degree, then went to teach.
In 1948, he joined the army. After that, he was in charge of the theater troupe Chien Thang of the General Command of the Vietnam People's Army. .
In 1945, he joined in charge and then became the Chairman of Military Arts magazine. Later, he stopped working as a leader to specialize in composing.
In 1957, he joined the establishment of the Vietnam Writers' Association.

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Summary of Thanh Tinh profile

When was New Poet Thanh Tinh born?
Thanh Tinh was born in 12-12-1911, death day is 17/07/1988, at the age of 77.
Where is New Poet Thanh Tinh's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Thanh Tinh was born in Thanh Hoa, of Vietnam. Mr working and living in Thua Thien Hue, of Vietnam. Mr, whose Zodiac is Sagittarius, and who Chinese Zodiac is The Pig. Thanh Tinh's global rank is 77911 and whose rank is 33 in list of famous New Poet.
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Photos/ Images

Portrait of the new poet Thanh Tinh
Portrait of the new poet Thanh Tinh
 The image of the late poet Thanh Tinh
The image of the late poet Thanh Tinh

Thanh Tinh ranking


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Events in 1911 and 12-12

Events in the world in the birth year of Thanh Tinh

  • First use of aircraft as offensive weapon occurs in Turkish-Italian War. Italy defeats Turks and annexes Libya.
  • Chinese Republic proclaimed after revolution overthrows Manchu dynasty. Sun Yat-sen named president. Background: Chinese Dynasties.
  • Mexican Revolution: Porfirio Diaz, president since 1877, replaced by Francisco Madero.
  • Roald Amundsen becomes first man to reach South Pole. Quiz: Explorers & Adventurers
  • U.S. explorer Hiram Bingham discovers Incan city of Machu Picchu.

Birthday Thanh Tinh (12-12) in history

  • Day 12-12 year 1787: Pennsylvania became the second state to ratify the U.S. Constitution.
  • Day 12-12 year 1870: Joseph Rainey took his seat as the first African American in the U.S. House of Representatives.
  • Day 12-12 year 1913: The Mona Lisa was recovered in Florence after having been stolen two years earlier (August 1911) from the Louvre.
  • Day 12-12 year 1963: Kenya gained its independence from Britain.
  • Day 12-12 year 1998: The House Judiciary Committee approved a fourth and final article of impeachment against President Clinton.
  • Day 12-12 year 2000: The U.S. Supreme Court stopped the presidential election recount in Florida.
  • Day 12-12 year 2001: Yasir Arafat closed the offices of Hamas and Islamic Jihad.
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