Comedy actor Tuan Duong

Tuan Duong

Living place: Ha Noi

Birthday: 16-11-1952

Global rank: #76157

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Comedy actor Tuan Duong profile

Who is Comedy actor Tuan Duong?
Artist Tuan Duong is a lieutenant colonel in the Vietnamese army and also a famous actor and comedian of Vietnamese cinema.
In one incident, he brought artist Tuan Duong to his acting career. One day, he had to teach dance at the Houses of Culture, the Palace of Culture in Hanoi. He happened to see the troupe rehearsing the play "Red Numbers" but could not find anyone to play the character "Red-haired Xuan". He was interested and asked to audition. After auditioning, he was chosen as the actor to play the role of Xuan with red hair. Later, the play was taken to many places in the country, received acclaim from the audience. This is a character that helped him take his first steps on the path of art. This is also the role of Tuan Duong's life, a famous role in the years 1989-1990.
Artist Tuan Duong is also known as a comedian, he left his mark on the show. See you at the weekend, Gala Smile.
On the morning of December 2, 2013, he died of esophageal cancer at the age of 61.
Some films and plays have participated in:
  • Land and people
  • Village near the city
  • The past story
  • The tent (movie)
  • Programming for the heart' (as the father of Crocodile Lord Quynh Nga)
  • The broken lives (as brother To)
  • The way to the lair (as the big brother Hung Eagle)
  • Believe in things can't (as the baker)...

Family life info

In 2009, he got married with Mrs. Thuy Nga. Thuy Nga is a woman who has a husband and children of her own. The couple did not have any more children.

Close relationship

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Body measurements of

How tall is Comedy actor Tuan Duong? What Tuan Duong's weight?
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Summary of Tuan Duong profile

When was Comedy actor Tuan Duong born?
Tuan Duong was born in 16-11-1952, death day is 12/2013, at the age of 61.
Where is Comedy actor Tuan Duong's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Tuan Duong was born in Thai Nguyen, of Vietnam. Mr working and living in Ha Noi, of Vietnam. Mr, whose Zodiac is Scorpius, and who Chinese Zodiac is The Dragon. Tuan Duong's global rank is 76157 and whose rank is 19 in list of famous Comedy actor.
Celebrities born in:

Photos/ Images

Portrait of Comedian Tuan Duong
Portrait of Comedian Tuan Duong
Latest pictures of Comedian Tuan Duong
Latest pictures of Comedian Tuan Duong
A photo of Tuan Duong- Famous comedian Ho Chi Minh- Vietnam
A photo of Tuan Duong- Famous comedian Ho Chi Minh- Vietnam

Tuan Duong ranking


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Events in 1952 and 16-11

Events in the world in the birth year of Tuan Duong

  • George VI of England dies; his daughter becomes Elizabeth II (Feb. 6).
  • NATO conference approves European army (Feb.).
  • King Farouk of Egypt is ousted by a military coup (July 23). General Mohammed Naguib assumes power.
  • Britain announces its development of atomic weapons (Oct.). Background: nuclear weapons
  • Greece and Turkey join NATO.

Birthday Tuan Duong (16-11) in history

  • Day 16-11 year 1864: General Sherman and his troops began their "March to the sea" during the Civil War.
  • Day 16-11 year 1907: Oklahoma became the 46th state.
  • Day 16-11 year 1933: The United States and the Soviet Union established diplomatic relations.
  • Day 16-11 year 1973: President Nixon signed the bill authorizing the construction of the Trans-Alaska Pipeline.
  • Day 16-11 year 1995: International Tolerance Day or International Tolerance Day is an annual action day proclaimed by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization in 1995 to create public awareness of the dangers of abuse. Zero tolerance was celebrated on November 16
  • Day 16-11 year 2004: President George W. Bush nominated Condoleezza Rice to replace Colin Powell as secretary of state.
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Note about Comedy actor Tuan Duong

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