Vietnam War Hero Nguyen Van Banh

Nguyen Van Banh

Living place: Ben Tre

Birthday: ?-?-1952 (72 years old)

Global rank: #90789

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Vietnam War Hero Nguyen Van Banh profile

Who is Vietnam War Hero Nguyen Van Banh?
Nguyen Van Banh is a hero of the Vietnam War and a member of the Communist Party of Vietnam. He used to hold the position of deputy battalion of 306th Infantry Battalion, 3rd Regiment of Military Region 9.
From 1969 to April 1975, he fought in the battle of the Southwest region. He joined his comrades in fighting 45 battles, wiping out more than 1,000 enemies, capturing and destroying many of the enemy's means of war. He alone killed 65 men, captured 11 alive, obtained 59 guns of all kinds.
In June 1974, he participated in fighting the security forces and the Tich Thien puppet council. He directly cut the fence for his comrades to attack, then switched to cutting the fence for the soldiers to attack straight into the middle of the enemy base, destroying all the headquarters and the enemy soldiers stationed here.
On December 8, 1974, in the battle to destroy Tan An fortress at Tra Vinh province, the enemy troops fired fiercely at the enemy. Opening the door of the company, he bravely led the unit, charged into the middle of the enemy's position, killed the commander and captured the deputy commander, along with the battalion comrades who lowered the Tan An post, killed the enemy. 200 enemies, collect all weapons. He always upholds his exemplary role in struggle and work. He is loved, trusted and admired by his teammates.
Nguyen Van Banh was awarded by the State 2 Orders of War of Liberation, second class, and 2 Orders. Third place in the War of Liberation, twice elected as Emulation Soldier and awarded 15 certificates and certificates of merit.
On January 15, 1976, Nguyen Van Banh was conferred the title of Hero by the Party and State. People's Armed Forces.

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Body measurements of

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Summary of Nguyen Van Banh profile

When was Vietnam War Hero Nguyen Van Banh born?
Nguyen Van Banh birthday ?-?-1952 (at the age of 72).
Where is Vietnam War Hero Nguyen Van Banh's birth place, what is Zodiac/Chinese Zodiac?
Nguyen Van Banh was born in Ben Tre, of Vietnam. Mr, whose Zodiac is (don't know), and who Chinese Zodiac is The Dragon. Nguyen Van Banh's global rank is 90789 and whose rank is 149 in list of famous Vietnam War Hero.
Celebrities born in:

Events in 1952 and 31-2

Events in the world in the birth year of Nguyen Van Banh

  • George VI of England dies; his daughter becomes Elizabeth II (Feb. 6).
  • NATO conference approves European army (Feb.).
  • King Farouk of Egypt is ousted by a military coup (July 23). General Mohammed Naguib assumes power.
  • Britain announces its development of atomic weapons (Oct.). Background: nuclear weapons
  • Greece and Turkey join NATO.
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Note about Vietnam War Hero Nguyen Van Banh

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